Did you know busy-ness affects everyone around you and kills relationships? We spend so much time trying to be busy and not actually focusing on our priorities. Today, we’re going to dive into where we’re really spending our time and bust the myth of being “too busy.”
Read MoreOver the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing several different ways you can start living a more productive life. I hear from so many of you how you struggle with your time and feel like you just don’t have enough time to get it all done. I totally get it, so I want to share with you some of my top tips for managing your time and getting your time BACK so you have more time for the things that are important to you. But first, we need to figure out just what those important things are in your life. Enter Priority Based Living and how it will help you be more productive!
Read MoreI’m sharing with you a much-requested makeup tutorial on how I do my makeup every single day. And when I saw every single day, I mean every. damn. day. Whether I don’t leave my house (which is most days) or if I’m putting on my Little Black Dress to head to a wedding or gala, my makeup is exactly the same.
Read MoreStressed + overwhelmed is a feeling I am all too used to. And a lot of my depression stems from feeling stressed and overwhelmed. There’s a little voice in my head that tells me it’s too hard when I start feeling stressed and overwhelmed and that’s it’s just not worth it anymore. Here are 4 strategies I use that have helped me to better manage my stress + overwhelm…
Read MoreI’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that I’m a big believer in the phrase, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” While it’s not the kindest of sentiments, especially to those of you who might not be a Type A perfectionist like myself, I do truly believe that in order to achieve your goals, you need to have some sort of plan in place. If you have health + fitness goals for 2021, let me help you create a plan that will work for YOU!
Read MoreDid you set goals for 2021? Or maybe you decided on a word of the year. No matter what, there are 2 things you need to remember when it comes to your goals…
Read MoreOne thing I'm taking with me from 2020 is that I can't control everything. I am about as Type A as you can get. I'm an #enneagram9 but I wing HARD into a 1. So much so that I question myself often if I am one... This weekend, I let the kids do A LOT of the cookie making than what I would typically. My blood pressure was up. My anxiety was through the roof.vBut, they’re smiles were priceless… Sometimes, you just gotta let go and live a little. Here are the things I’ve learned in 2020 that I want to take with me into 2021…
Read MoreMy goal this year was to read 20 books in 2020... In all honesty, it's a good year if I read 5 books, so 20 was a long shot. So, did I hit my goal? Not quite… but I’m so dang happy with the progress I made this year! I alternated (for the most part) between fiction + nonfiction, but my heart will always belong to nonfiction // personal development books. Check out my entire list of my 2020 reads, as well as my top 3 recommendations for both fiction + nonfiction…
Read MoreY’all, this story is LONG. Like chapter-in-a-book long. But, I wanted to be as detailed as possible because I know that when I was going through it, I wanted to hear people’s experiences. I wanted to know if what I was going through was normal. And, most of all, I needed to remember that I wasn’t alone.
Read MoreMy friend Aischa is joining me today to talk all about the benefits of stretching. As a runner, I’ll be honest, I absolutely HATE stretching. Like HATE it. It’s boring + takes too much time for me to do. However, I KNOW how beneficial it is for me to do to help me run my best and stay injury-free. Aischa is not only breaking down the benefits of stretching for you today, but she’s also giving you access to her 30-Day Stretching Challenge!
Read MoreNeed some inspiration on what to get the mom, kiddo, or runner in your life? I’m sharing my FAVORITES this year to help you knock out that Christmas list in a pinch! Plus, something I think you would + need, and things for you to wear + read!
Read MoreHave you ever found yourself just scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and realize that a decent amount of time has gone by? Y’all, I’m just as guilty of this as anyone else. But, over the past few years, I’ve found that I can get stuck in some rabbit holes on social media, or be unintentionally triggered by something someone has posted, or the worst… fall into the comparison trap and beat myself up for not being “good enough.” The truth of the matter is, if we’re not careful, it can be extremely harmful and toxic for us. Each and every one of us… Which is why I started implementing a weekly social media detox. Here’s what it is + why I think you should implement one too…
Read MoreFamily movie nights have become one of my favorite weekly traditions in our house. We’ve been doing this for a few years now, but because of COVID-19 this year and the fact that we’ve literally only have had ONE NIGHT away from our children, family movie nights have been a standing date on our calendar. If you’ve been thinking about incorporating family nights into your weekly (or monthly) traditions, I’m sharing how to make this a regular thing in your house, plus a few of our family favorite movies to add to your list!
Read MoreYou’ve got 5 days during the week. What if you just spent 20-30 minutes cleaning those 5 days? Think of how long you spend cleaning your house on the weekends? Does it take you more than 2.5 hours? Probably not… (and if it does, your house is A LOT bigger than mine or you are way more detail oriented than I am.) So, don’t think you can’t spend 20-30 minutes a day cleaning when you’re already spending that amount of time on the weekend. You CAN do it… it’s all about making it a priority during your day.
Read MoreI started this year determined to take back my health. Then COVID happened. Your health is a marathon - not a sprint. This journey has been anything but linear, but I’m determined to finish 2020 in the best health of my life!
Read MoreToday I celebrate my 36th year of life! Crazy to think that I’m already closer to 40 than I am to 30. But, despite how crazy 2020 has been, my 36th year has been another one that I can say I’m pretty proud of. Here are 36 things about my 36th year…
Read MoreEven 5+ years after being diagnosed with postpartum depression, depression is still a struggle for me every single day. If you’re someone is who struggling through depression as well, I SEE YOU. Here are 3 things that have helped me manage my depression better over the last 5+ years…
Read MoreOur society sees “busy-ness” as a badge of honor. The busier we are, the better person we are. But, should it really be that way. You can still be PRODUCTIVE without being busy 24/7… and that, my friend, is the SMART way to live your life. Learn my 3 time saving hacks and grab my FREE Productivity Planner!
Read MoreFriend, whatever season you’re in, TRUST. Have faith that this is where God wants you right now for a reason. And remember, this is truly only a season. It’s hard to be patient - we are a society of immediate gratification and a want for fun, fast and easy. It’s not always going to be that way, but if we TRUST God’s timing, you’ll know why it was worth the wait.
Read MoreWhat should a morning routine include and how do you make it work for YOU?! There are a few principles I truly believe can make or break your morning. This is how I create a morning routine that leads to feeling happy and NOT rushed every morning before school.
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