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I’m Kristen + I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m a certified life coach, specializing in time management + business. My goal is to help busy entrepreneurs be more effective + efficient in your life + business so you have time for the things you love!


I haven’t always had my stuff together…


I was working full time as a physical education teacher, I had an hour commute, and I was trying my best to build a business in my free time. Oh, and don’t forget, I had 2 kids at home + a husband who also worked full time.

I felt like I was constantly drowning with everything I needed to get done: with my job, my business, and at home.

There just never felt like there was enough hours in the day, and I was burning the candle at both ends. I was constantly exhausted and was dropping balls left + right.

So, what changed?

I learned how to create systems + schedules that worked WITH my life. I learned how to prioritize the important things so that I wasn’t focusing what little time I had on things that didn’t matter.

And the best part? IT WORKED! I grew my business by learning systems and was able to quit my teaching job to pursue entrepreneurship full time.

I believe that it IS possible to create a LIFE + BUSINESS without having to “hustle” in order to do it…

It comes down to creating systems, schedules, and routines that work FOR YOU.

And I KNOW it’s all possible for YOU too!



We believe in prioritizing our families and our health (both physical and mental) over our businesses. We know that a successful business will not happen without the support of the people we love, and filling our own cups first.

We believe in serving people of all ages, genders, races, religions, and identities. We honor diversity, equity, and inclusion of all people.

We stand in respecting all thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of all people we work with. We will never all agree on the same things, yet we know that our diverse backgrounds can lead to respectful and thought-provoking discussions where all people feel seen and heard, regardless of our own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions.

We believe in creating a non-judgemental environment. We know it can be intimidating to open up your thoughts and your schedule to someone. We value where you are currently and will meet you there, without judgment or shame.

We stand for authenticity and transparency in how we talk about our business. We know that mistakes can and will happen, and by showing both our successes and our failures, we can help others learn from our mistakes and grow just as we have.

We stand for flexibility in our lives and businesses. We do not believe there is a one-size-fits-all or most approach to how you build a business or your productivity. We all have different backgrounds and life situations. We believe in giving you tools that allow you to have the freedom and flexibility to create a life and business that you love.


check out the latest on the blog…

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ready to get an extra hour in your week?

learn how to create schedules + systems that work for you and start getting more done on a daily basis