By creating boundaries for yourself, your life, and your business, you have the ability to create a sense of work // life balance. Will you ever be fully balanced? ABSOLUTELY NOT. An equal balance is a myth (and a topic for another day). But, a boundary in certain aspects of your life can truly open yourself up to that FREEDOM you are longing for.

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Part of my Sunday Planning Session includes going over and updating our budget. I need to know where we are at as far as our income and expenses are concerned so I can make sure we stay on the right track. Check out how I do our budget every month.

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Kristen Van Horn
6 Simples Steps to Starting a Plant-Based Diet {guest post}

It’s been almost 13 years since I decided to change to a vegetarian // plant-based diet. It was something I had toyed around with in college, simply because the idea of cooking meat in our tiny apartment just didn’t appeal to me whatsoever. But, it wasn't until after I got married and ventured out on my own that I went all-in! So, how do you get started eating a more plant-based diet? I'm bring my friend and Registered Dietician Kathy Levin in today to share 6 simple steps to get started eating more plants!

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6 Reasons to Start an Online Business

Here's the deal... You DON'T have to join a network marketing company to start a business. The reason I chose to was because I didn't know HOW to do anything else. It was low risk and the investment was low, and since I didn't know a dang thing about business, I figured it was a good stepping stone. And sure enough, I was right! Had I not started there, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have even thought about doing what I'm actually doing now (which, if you don't know, I offer done-for-you tech + automation services to online business owners, as well as offer a content marketing course for network marketers and online business owners). None of that would exist today had I not chosen to dip my toe in the water with network marketing. But, maybe you're still hesitant about starting a business and aren't sure NWM is for you. I've got 6 reasons I'm sharing as to why you should start an online business - and it's easier (and more rewarding) than you think!

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At the beginning of the year, I made a list of 20 intentions for 2020, and honestly, I haven’t even looked at it since the pandemic started. #fail But, the one thing I HAVE been intentional about so far this year is reading. My goal this year is to read 20 books, alternating between fiction and nonfiction books. And I’m happy to report that I’m making some really good progress! Check out what I’ve read so far this year - and my top recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction!

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How to Do a Sock Bun

If you’re looking for a quick and easy hairstyle for the summer - or simply because you’re a mom and just don’t have the time - you will love this! I feel like this actually works better for short hair, but if you have longer hair, this is pretty simple too! Plus, it’s EASY! Like, so easy, an 8 year old can do it!

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The Key to 13 Years of Marriage

I might be one of the only people to say this about the last few months, but I have to say that the pandemic has probably been one of the best things for our marriage. Simply because it FORCED us to have open + tough conversations about life, our family, etc.

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Know Better. Do Better. Be Better.

I certainly don’t know everything. And I’m definitely not going to be the most educated kid on the block. But, I can’t stay silent. I can’t look past how this is a problem. This past week has been extremely eye opening for me. I definitely feel different than I did a week ago and am ready to speak up and help. I know I can be better.

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A Decade of Writing

It’s my 10 year Blogiversary, FIRSTNAME! Learn more about what’s happened the last 10 years and why I started this little blog in the first place!

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Makeover Your Morning || Guest Post

When you start your day with helpful thoughts and emotions about what you can control and accomplish, you will create a new outlook. When you decide what you want to think about the day ahead, you become the person you know you are inside. You won’t have to feel behind, or alone, or not enough anymore.

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My Favorite Podcasts for Life + Business

With work, family time, chores, etc., by the time the kids go to bed, we can hardly keep our eyes open, let alone open up a book, amiright?! Enter the morning podcast. If you’re not a podcast person, I suggest you try it! My entry to the podcast world was Serial (OMG, I still LOVE that one), but if you want some of my favorites for life + business, well friend, you’re in luck because that’s what I’m giving you today!

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Our “Quarantine” Bucket List

Now that we know this is going to be more of the same for the foreseeable future, I need SOMETHING to look forward to. I need SOMETHING for the kids to be excited about. Because, let’s face it, we’re not just mom + teacher now - we’re their playmates too. Which is why we came up with our Quarantine - ahem - SPRING Bucket List.

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Our Social Distancing Daily Routine

A few weeks ago, I shared my daily routine. Well, you can basically throw that one out the window because EVERYTHING has changed since then. I hinted at how I would update you when summer came and then again when the school year started. What I didn’t anticipate was having to do an update BEFORE the end of the school year. I know there are some of you who have seen scheduled floating around the internet (don’t try to Pinterest it… they’ve blocked ALL Coronavirus content on there), but I thought I’d share what we’ve adapted for our family and what seems to be working OK right now.

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