day in the life: 2nd to last day of school! UncategorizedMay 18, 2016Day in the life, summer break, teacherComment
day in the life // march 2016 family, runningMarch 16, 2016Day in the life, Freddy's Frozen CustardComment
day in the life of a mom of 2 on maternity leave UncategorizedJanuary 21, 2015Day in the life, maternity leave, mom, parenting, toddler, two kids, wiawComment
wiaw: a day in the life of a teacher in summer UncategorizedJuly 30, 2014Day in the life, toddler, wiawComment
a day in the life of a two and a half year old UncategorizedApril 2, 2014Day in the life, munchkin mealsComment