day in the life of a mom of 2 on maternity leave
I am linking up with Katie over at Moms Little Running Buddy and Jenn at Peas and Crayons for a Day in the Life post. Now, of course, this is my life right now, but will be changing in a few months when I go back to work. But, since this is my normal currently, I figured I'd give you an idea of what life is like for a mom home on maternity leave with a 3 year old and 1 month old.1 AM - Miles is fussing a little bit, but I am trying to hold him off for a little longer so I'm not up again at 4 AM. I stick a pacifier in his mouth a few times until he finally dozes back off.2:30 AM - Miles is now really fussing, so I take him out of his bassinet and feed him while I browse Facebook.3 AM - Miles is done and back in bed. I listen to his grunts and squeaks until I am finally able to fall asleep around 3:30.5 AM - Miles is fussing again, but I really need him to wait a little bit longer to start the day. I spend the next hour waking up every 10-15 minutes to stick another pacifier in his mouth.6:15 AM - Miles isn't having it anymore, so I turn on the light and change his diaper and then feed him in bed while again, browsing Facebook and checking Craigslist for double jogging strollers.6:45 AM - I hear MacKenna's door open and she runs across the house into our bedroom. She climbs into bed with us until Miles is done burping.7 AM - All 4 of us are up and out of bed. Kenna, Miles, and I head out to the living room. Miles spends some time on his tummy on the playmat and I get breakfast ready for MacKenna. Lately, she's been getting poptarts because it's the only thing I can get her to eat in the morning. Otherwise, she won't eat anything until lunch. She's gotta get some weight on her peanut frame!7:15 AM - I make my breakfast and sit down on the floor next to Miles to eat it. Vegan chocolate Shakeology smoothie with banana and strawberries, in a bowl with some gluten-free chocolate granola on top. It was absolutely delicious!7:30 AM - Matt kisses us all goodbye and I get up to start cleaning up the kitchen and MacKenna's playroom since I didn't get around to it last night.7:40 AM - Miles is fussing, so I get him and go change his diaper and clothes while MacKenna watches "Maya and Miguel" in the living room.7:55 AM - I put Miles in the swing in our bathroom and convince MacKenna to come with us by giving her my iPad. Not my finest parenting decision, but otherwise, both of us won't make it through my shower. It gives me an hour of peace and quiet, while I shower, get ready, and pump.9 AM - Time for MacKenna to get ready for the day. I change her diaper and put on some clothes and give her a box and a new Bitty Baby highchair to play with so I can feed Miles in peace.9:20 AM - Miles is freaking out, so I change his diaper, grab my coffee, and sit on the couch to feed him, while Kenna asks me a billion questions and wants my undivided attention.
9:45 AM - Miles is done being fed, so I spend some time playing with MacKenna while also picking up some of her toys. I change Miles diaper and take his weekly picture. He is happy, so I grab my planner and plan the rest of the week's activities for me and the kids.
10:35 AM - MacKenna has her first dentist appointment today, so I start the process of getting us ready to get out the door. Kenna brushes her teeth while I put her hair in an "Elsa braid". Miles is already screaming so I try to get everything else packed up with one hand while trying to hold him. The screaming gets worse when I put him in the carseat.10:55 AM - We are out the door on our way to the dentist. Miles was content once the car was moving and Kenna and I enjoy listening to church songs in the car.11:10 AM - MacKenna gets to experience the dentist for the first time and does awesome! She listens and answers all the questions, while I hold Miles (who was again fussing) and watch in delight! I'm just so proud of how great she did! She gets a sticker and a toy along with her new toothbrush.
11:50 AM - We are home and I get lunch ready for MacKenna. She has macaroni, 2 apple slices, and I bribe her with Elsa yogurt if she eats all her lunch. I let her watch Bubble Guppies on my iPad while I make my lunch. I have leftover potato soup from my sister-in-law and the rest of Kenna's apple. Plus, some flavored water so that I drink a little bit more, as my hydration has really be suffering lately.
12:15 PM - I am done with my lunch and Miles is beyond ready for his. I change his diaper, set up another Bubble Guppies on the iPad for Kenna, and nurse Miles. Kenna of course falls off her chair and needs me about every 2 minutes. She really hate me giving all my attention to the baby.12:45 PM - Miles is done nursing and I get Kenna to eat a little bit more of her macaroni, so I give her her Elsa yogurt and finish picking up the rest of her playroom, for the most part.1 PM - The long process of getting MacKenna down for a nap begins. She protests, but I bribe her with letting her brush her teeth with her new tooth brush. Because she did so well at the dentist, I let her pick an extra book to read, so we end up reading 3 books before nap time.1:35 PM - Thankfully, MacKenna only comes out of her room once and my threat to lock her door keeps her in her room and she is sound asleep in a matter of minutes. I change miles, give him a paci and put him in his swing.1:45 PM - PiYo time! Drench is no joke. My shoulders were screaming at me! Too many down dogs and not nearly enough child's pose! Ha! Hopefully I will get better at that one, but 48 minutes was a little too long for my liking. Looking forward to starting Insanity Max:30 in a week and a half!2:35 PM - I sit on the couch and pull out the laptop to send a few emails. I also turn on Friends on Netflix - I'm determined to watch the entire series while I'm on maternity leave, even though I'm pretty sure I've seen every episode 30 times already.2:55 PM - I grab a snack and nurse Miles.
3:10 PM - MacKenna is up and hangs out on the couch while I finish nursing Miles.3:20 PM - MacKenna, Miles, and I hang out, watching TV, playing, and trying to get some work done while we wait for Daddy to come home.4:15 PM - Matt calls and says he's on his way home. I try putting Miles in his crib while he is sleeping, but he isn't happy about it. I see his eyes when I go to pick him up, but he just falls asleep when I try to do tummy time with him.4:25 PM - Daddy is home! We catch up on the day with MacKenna and then he whisks her off to help him bake some breakfast cookies that her forgot to make this weekend. I hang out on the floor with Miles (who is napping on his playmat), working on my computer and updating my training log (I'm ready for my backordered one to be shipped)!5 PM - I send a few emails and answer some text messages and then go take Miles to get his diaper changed. He is fussy again, so I hold him while we watch Matt and Kenna bake before going to settle back down on the couch.5:20 PM - Miles is no longer wanting to wait to eat so I go ahead and feed him while Matt and Kenna color with markers. Kenna has been a handful tonight, a sure sign that she didn't get enough sleep with her nap, even though it was more than normal.5:45 PM - Miles is done nursing, so I go start dinner. Thankfully, I planned an easy to cook meal of crispy black bean tacos. I am able to get it put together and on the table in just 20 minutes.6:05 PM - Dinner time! I won't lie. Matt pulled out the tortilla chips after we finished our tacos and I had more than my fair share. Oops.
6:35 PM - Matt takes on the dishes while I entertain the kiddos. Miles is hanging out and MacKenna is playing in the living room, just begging to go downstairs in the basement. Who knew toddlers love Foosball that much?!7:15 PM - Matt takes MacKenna downstairs while Miles and I hang out talking upstairs and watching TV. I grab a cookie to keep me entertained until the other 2 come back upstairs.
7:35 PM - I go get Miles ready for bed, changing his diaper and putting on PJs.7:50 PM - Time for MacKenna to brush her teeth and get ready for bed, a little later than usual because she was busy eating jelly beans on the couch. We read a weather book and Good Night Moon, before I give her some quick kisses and step out because Miles is starving again and so I can jump on a Beachbody team call.8:05 PM - I get Miles latched and jump on the call late. I'm excited to build my business more this year (if you're interested in what Beachbody has to offer or want in on my challenge, let me know)!8:35 PM - Miles is done eating and my call is over, so we head out to the living room. I grab some M&Ms and my computer and start working on this blog post as well as answer a few emails and Facebook messages while I'm at it.9:40 PM - Stupid internet keeps going out and I lose everything I had written from 8:30 on and have to rewrite it all. Soooooo frustrating. I finish writing and editing pictures so I can head to bed.10:05 PM - I get up from the couch and go get ready for bed, leaving the living room a mess because I simply just didn't get around to picking it up. I'll get to it in the morning hopefully.10:20 PM - Time to change and feed Miles. I read 10 pages in my current book - Nick Saban's "How Good Do You Want to Be?" while I try to keep my eyes open.10:55 PM - Miles is done eating so I put him in the bassinet and turn out the light. I'm hoping to get a good, peaceful night's sleep tonight!Powered by Linky ToolsClick here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...