taper week: hour by hour
Other titles include: How I Manage to Stay Sane During Taper Week...6 AM: My alarm went off 15 minutes ago and I proceeded to lay in bed and scroll through Facebook before deciding to get up out of bed to run. I'm thankful for a 30 minute easy run today, even though it is still a fairly humid day. There is a nice breeze and I am able to enjoy my run for the most part. I'm done by 6:40 and post my workout on my social media channels before heading inside.7 AM: MacKenna stayed in her room all night, which is becoming much more regular lately. She lays on the couch while I get Miles out of bed and make breakfasts for both kiddos and myself, followed by some much needed coffee, of course.
8 AM: Matt left for cross country practice, so the kids and I play for a little bit. They're playing pretty independently, so I pick up around the house and try to fix Kenna's Rapunzel Barbie's hair. I was unsuccessful, but at least it looks better.9 AM: I put Miles down for a nap, hand MacKenna the iPad to watch videos and play games, and I hop in the shower. I enjoy almost and hour of peace and quiet while I get ready for the day.10 AM: I finish up getting ready - Matt is home by now and helps get Miles up and both kids ready to head to the library. We are enjoying our weekly Tuesday at the library. We drop off last week's materials and pick up 2 more Wii games, Tangled and Enchanted on DVD, and 4 books to read.11 AM: Matt has been craving pretzels, so we go to Pretzel Stop for lunch. Matt and I each get a pretzel, while the kids share some pretzel bites. Both kids are awesome, thankfully, and ate really well. After finishing, we head to Fresh Thyme market to pick up some veggie sausage, sunnut butter, and to look for some Halo Top ice cream, which they didn't have. Boo.
12 PM: We get home a little after 12 and it's all about play time. We play in Kenna's room for awhile as a family, and Matt and I try to finish our game of "Horse" with Miles' Fisher-Price basketball hoop. I lose after Matt sinks a shot from halfway across the house. Ugh.1 PM: After awhile, we decide to pull out Miles' Black & Decker workbench to give the kids something new to play with. It's about the loudest toy ever...2 PM: It's FINALLY rest/nap time. Miles, being the awesome baby he is, goes right down without a fight for his nap. I turn on Tangled for Kenna and she cuddles up on the floor for awhile, while I try to get some work done on the couch. That lasts about 40 minutes, until I knock over a water bottle right before she's about to fall asleep and the next 20 minutes are spent telling her that rest time isn't over yet...3 PM: Rest time is over - MacKenna goes and plays in her room for a little bit, while I try to finish up the rest of my work. I decide to relax on the couch for awhile and watch Tangled, and Matt joins me while MacKenna continues to play. It was nice to cuddle up on the couch and not have to worry about the kids so much in the middle of the day. And to relax... I'm looking forward to A LOT of that this weekend in Chicago.4 PM: We bought some sunflower seed butter so that we could make sunnut butterfingers for Matt, since he has issues with peanuts and tree nuts (it's not an allergy, but they make him feel horrible). We also go wake up Miles for some more playing and crafting with the kiddos.5 PM: The butterfingers are done chilling, so I cut them and dip them in chocolate - and eat an obscene amount of the crumbs. Oops. Once I finish, it's bathtime for both kiddos and we Face Time my mom who is in Florida this week while both kids bathe and Matt makes dinner.
6 PM: Dinner time! It's taco Tuesday - Matt makes fish tacos every Tuesday and it is one of our favorite nights of the week. We each enjoy 2 with a Cigar City beer we brought back with us from Alabama. Once dinner is done and cleaned up, we head outside for a walk around the block, pushing Miles in the stroller and Kenna gets to ride her scooter.
7 PM: Once our walk is over, we head inside and enjoy MORE family time by playing dancing games on the Wii with MacKenna. I absolutely love getting her active without her knowing! We finish playing around 7:30, brush teeth, read, and get the kids into bed.8 PM: I start laundry, fold yesterday's laundry, and finally sit down on the couch with some chocolate covered raisins and my computer to start this post while watching the All Star game.9 PM: I put the finishing touches on this post and do some work on some of the new training plans I will be offering on the blog. I'm feeling pretty accomplished for the day, despite really spending most of the day with my kiddos. It's going to be rough on all of us when we go back to work in a few weeks... :(10 PM: I head into our bedroom, get ready for bed, and settle down with Run Like a Champion to get some of my professional development in for the day. I wish I could stay up this late during the school year so I could watch some of Jimmy Fallon, but wakeup call is way to early for that...11 AM: And I'm out.