#rnrchi training 2016: week 10

**It you read The Concrete Runner on the actual page, you notice some changes to the page!  If not, head on over and check out the pages!  I am updating as I go along, but be sure to stay updated with the blog, and check out the run coaching services I am now offering!  My Time Crunched Training bootcamp is underway starting this week, and I am hoping to have some training plans you can purchase and download just in time to start training for the fall races!**

The Concrete Runner - RNRCHI TrainingIt's officially taper week!  Excuse me while I try not to lose my mind with the lack of mileage I will be doing this week.  I had one of my all-time high mileage weeks this last week, so I am going into race week feeling fairly confident.I hadn't really done a real long run in several weeks, so I was trying to make sure to get on in this past weekend.  Typically, I do a 2 week taper, but I knew that I needed to get in more than 10 miles before the half and this past weekend was my last chance.  I had already done a pretty terrible 10-miler 3 weeks ago, an hour run with the stroller, and then took last weekend off, thanks to traveling and storms.  So, yup, I definitely needed to get in another long run this past weekend.  I'm a little nervous with doing my longest run the week before the race, but it went really well, so my nerves are calmed and my legs feel ready to taper and race!Monday:  10K @ 80% 10K pace (6.2 miles @ 8:07/mile)Tuesday:  Run bias HIIT workout (1.13 miles @ 7:10/mile)3 rounds:Run 400mSingle Leg Deadlifts 10x each legPlate Swings 15xSide Skaters 20x**If you're in my bootcamp, get ready for this killer workout next week!**Wednesday:  3 x 200m + 3 x 400m + 2 x 1000m (I was supposed to do 4 x 1000, but I was DONE after 2 - 5.49 miles @ 7:32/mile)Thursday:  Tabata Sprints (2.53 miles @ 7:55/mile)Friday:  40 minute run @ 90% 10K pace (5.15 miles @ 7:46/mile)Saturday:  90 minute run @ 80% 10K pace (11.26 miles @ 8:00/mile)Sunday:  OFFTotal:  31.76 milesWho's joining me up in Chicago?!  I'd love to see you!  I'll be running both the 5K and half marathon, so come find me and say hi if you see me!  If you won't be in Chicago, I'll catch you up on all the latest when we get back![Tweet "It's taper week for #RNRCHI this weekend!"]