day in the life: election day
Election day started pretty much like any other day for me. My alarm went off at 3:45 AM, except today I actually woke up completely refreshed and ready to run. I'm pretty sure that had something to do Daylight Saving Time and getting a little bit of extra sleep over the weekend. I got ready and was out the door by 4:02 AM.I'm only on week #2 of training, so I'm focusing a lot on shorter intervals and leg speed to work on training my legs to get faster. Today's workout was 6-8 x 300m with 1:30 rest between each interval. I like leg speed workouts simply because I don't have to really worry about how fast I'm actually going - I just have to give 110% on each interval. It definitely wasn't my best run - my legs weren't quite up for running incredibly fast - but I was able to get in 2.45 miles @ 7:23/mile.Post-run, I showered, got ready, got the kids ready, got breakfast + lunches ready, and was out the door by 6:30AM. My goal was to vote before going to work so I didn't have to worry about waiting in long lines after work. Bahahaha! As I pulled up, I saw the entire parking lot full, the parking lot in the strip mall in front of the school full, and a line out the door. Typically voting is right inside the door, so I was thinking that it might be 15 to 20 minutes of waiting. Little did I know, the line would go inside, down the hall, to the very back of the building - and take 45 minutes to finally get my vote cast.
7:20 and I was back in my car and finally eating my breakfast and drinking my coffee.We started a new unit today at school - my favorite - volleyball! We worked on serving all morning with 8th and 7th graders before plan time mid-morning, and a mid-morning snack of course. I've been hard at work trying to get loose ends tied up with coaching stuff and was able to make some good progress on things during my plan before having to head to our study hall period. Amazingly, my kids were actually decent for me today, and I got to spend my lunch fairly stress-free, catching up on social media and sending my recent WINS to my business coach, Jasmin! This will be the first week we haven't talked since the beginning of October, so I wanted to make sure I was keeping her up-to-date on the awesome things happening in my business!
The second half of the day involved more serving practice for 7th and 6th graders, before heading to a leadership meeting with the other team leaders after school. After school meetings also mean having to skip my HIIT workout so that I can get home to the kiddos at a decent time. Sometimes that is just the sacrifice we have to make. Luckily, I know that only getting in half my HIIT workouts planned for the week won't set me back any. I can get in what I can, but if I don't, no big deal. Next week will be better for sure...I picked up the kiddos and headed home to Matt already making dinner. I will FOREVER be thankful for marrying a man who LOVES to cook, because I am a terrible cook! Plus, I function much better if I have the chance to unwind when I get home, rather than having to rush around trying to get dinner on the table. So, while Matt made dinner, I got the kiddos bathed and in PJs for the night.
This is the first week since AUGUST we will actually eat dinner together EVERY NIGHT this week! And the first night in a LONG time that we've gotten to enjoy tacos on Taco Tuesday! Plus, a beer, because the election.
After getting dinner all cleaned up, we had some family time playing Wii Play and Just Dance games before reading books, saying prayers, and getting the kiddos tucked in to bed. Matt + I watched the election results for awhile, before getting tired of following it and turned on Chopped while getting work done on the couch. Another beer may or may not have happened as well.No official results before calling it a night, but I have to call it a night. Early morning again tomorrow morning...