november miles: week 1

the-concrete-runner-monthly-milesFor the first time in WEEKS, I FINALLY feel like I am caught up on everything!  Ha!  It's been a couple of busy weeks for sure - and yesterday was the first Sunday we have been able to spend at home, just the 4 of us, in the past 4-5 weeks.  Of course, you'd think that because I'm not nearly as busy, I'd be killing my training schedule.  Ha!  Not so much...This past week was all about getting caught up on work, the side hustle, and planning for the MANY things I have coming up business + family-wise.  Which meant, I don't think I ever went to bed earlier than 10:15 any night last week.  So, those 4AM workouts were tough to get out of bed for.  I have a feeling Daylight Saving Time is not going to help with this.  But, I'm ready to tackle another week of SPEED!These next 8 weeks are going to be all about building up my speed.  Less miles, not nearly as long of long runs, and just trying to get faster.  My big goal for 2017 is to get under 20-minutes for the 5K again.  I have PLENTY of opportunities coming up, now that I registered for our local Frostbite Race series.  I've never done one of these full series before - a few of the races here and there - but I'm ready to really push myself this winter.  I've fallen IN LOVE with racing again - there's just something about the adrenaline rush and the competitive atmosphere that I just LOVE so much!  It looks like I will definitely accomplish my goal of 1 race per month in 2016, so I'm thinking maybe trying for a mileage goal in 2017?!  We shall see...Monday:  Deadlifts 4 x 8 @ 75 lbs3 rounds:Run 400mSwings 21x, 25 lbsPushups 12xTuesday:  12 x 200 w/ 2:00 rest (2.52 miles @ 6:54/mile)AMRAP in 10 minutes:Situps 20xSquat Cleans 5xWednesday:  5K @ 85% 10K pace (3.71 miles @ 8:01/mile)Thursday:  Tabata Sprints (2.57 miles @ 7:47/mile)AMRAP in 20 minutes:Stairs U+D 5xSwings 15xWalking Lunges 20xFriday:  6 x 800 w/ 2:00 rest (4.03 miles @ 6:52/mile)5 rounds:Deadlifts 10xSingle-Arm Snatch 10x each armPushups 10xSaturday:  OFFSunday:  5K @ 80% 5K pace (3.08 miles @ 7:42/mile)Total:  17.93 milesTotal November Miles:  17.93 milesYear-to-Date:  1,043.74 miles


facebook-ad-free-running-academy-3Jealous of all your friends setting PRs in their fall races?  Stuck in a training plateau and ready to get FASTER?Learn my training tips and tricks that helped me shave 30+ seconds off of my half marathon PR, as well as helped my VIP runners start setting PRs they’ve only dreamed about!>> Stefanie ran her first sub-30 5K - ON HER TREADMILL - after just 3-weeks in my program>> Emily took 3-minutes off her 5K time and no longer needs to walk during her races>> Cristin has had people stop her at the gym and tell her how noticeable different she looks after training with me for 3-weeksThere are specific running and strength workouts that you NEED to be including in your training in order for you to bust through your plateau and start setting those PRs.  If you want to learn those workouts and see how it can change the way you train, join me for a FREE 5-day training program to help you achieve your training + racing goals!Click here to sign-up ----> start November 14th - feel free to invite your running buddies to join you!