5 days to fast

facebook-ad-free-running-academy-3There are only 48 hours LEFT to sign-up for the FREE Running Academy!As a working mom, I understand just how important it is to have the time to run.  It gives me mental clarity.  It helps me work through my problems.  It relieves my stress.  And most days, it is the ONLY time I get alone, all to myself.  I NEED that time in my life.  Running is my drug of choice and I'm not afraid to admit it.  But, I know that the little time I have in my day to go for a run helps to make me a better wife + mom.  I am more confident and happier on the days that I get to run!Sound familiar?  Need the time to run back in your life?  Want to run a PR at you goal race but afraid that becoming faster means more miles?  And more miles = more time?  Think again!  I want to show you that training for a PR doesn't take nearly the amount of time or miles you may think!  Let me teach you what you need in order to become a FASTER runner in less than an HOUR a day!Join my 5-Day FREE Running Academy that starts MONDAY and learn my tips + tricks to FASTER running!  In the next 5 days, you will...>> Learn exercises that help you target the muscles you need to become faster>> Learn how to increase your speed in LESS time>> Discover your ideal training paces to help you achieve your racing goal and become FASTER>> Learn how to properly fuel yourself to recover faster and become strongerDon't miss out!  Snag your FREE spot TODAY! -----> http://theconcreterunner.com/running-academy
