wiaw: a teaching mom's day
OK, I've been reading several "day in the life" posts lately, so I figured I'd share my own. Especially since it was actually a pretty normal day, meaning I actually had to go in to work and didn't have a snow day. Shocker, I know.

11:50 AM - Afternoon classes start with 8th grade and two 6th grade classes. We have been playing volleyball, which is so hard to watch kids who just don't have a clue. Ha! They did OK. My co-teacher wasn't there with me for my 6th grade classes, but I thankfully had 2 awesome subs (other 6th grade teachers) so the afternoon went smoothly.2:35 PM - Done with kiddos for the day! I amazingly wasn't hungry all afternoon like I normally am, I guess because of the extra shot of hot chocolate! I worked on an assignment I have due for one of my classes on Wednesday (about a billion definitions that I have to turn in, blah) and thankfully finished it early enough to head upstairs to the weight room to workout.3:15 PM - I did a quick and dirty CrossFit workout involving Overhead Squats, Pushups, 800m run, and Sumo-High Pulls. By that point I was also hungry again, so I ate a Luna protein bar to tide my hunger over until dinner.
4 PM - Time to go home! I talked to Matt and my mom on my way home and enjoyed my 30 minutes of "me" time to sort of relax and forget about everything that happened during the day. No sense in taking my work stress home with me to ruin my night with my family.4:30 PM - Pick Kenna up at the babysitter's4:45 PM - Finally home for the night! I change into PJs and play with MacKenna while Matt makes dinner. We colored, played in her kitchen, and watched Choo Choo Soul recordings about a half a dozen times. Trains and princesses are apparently a good mix!6:05 PM - Dinner time! Matt made homemade egg rolls with fried quinoa - Delicious!
6:30 PM - Matt takes MacKenna for a bath while I finish up dishes, make lunch for tomorrow, clean up the kitchen and living room, and start a load of laundry (diapers).6:55 PM - Cuddle time on the couch - my favorite time of the day! MacKenna and I cuddle, watch Bubble Guppies, and eat M&M's. Every. Single. Night. I love it and don't care that I'm teaching her bad habits. The time I get to cuddle with her is totally worth it.
7:20 PM - Time to brush teeth and read. She actually chose 3 books that we haven't read in the past month, which is amazing since we've been reading the same books for about that long. Prayers and many kisses later, Kenna is in bed and sound asleep.7:30 PM - Dessert time! I don't know what I chose to eat ice cream for dessert tonight since I have been absolutely freezing all day but it tasted absolutely delicious! Worth it.
7:45 PM - Work on homework and blog while watching Modern Family with Matt. I actually got my homework finished for the week - Woohoo!8:45 PM - Totally forgot that I had clothes down in the dryer, so go downstairs to get those and fold them, as well as put the diapers on for another wash.9:15 PM - Time to relax! Pinterest and blog reading to occupy my time for a little while and take my mind off the day and the day ahead.9:45 PM - Pick up the house a little bit, put the folded laundry away, and get ready for bed.10 PM - In bed on time, amazingly! And I'm sure it won't take long until I'm sound asleep...