day in the life // june 2016

So, I made a fatal error yesterday morning.  We're used to MacKenna getting up in the middle of the night and having to walk her back to her room (oh how I miss her room being right across from our bedroom at our old hour...), so the fact that she was up in the middle of the night was pretty normal.  We don't let her in our bed unless it is light outside - it doesn't matter the circumstances, that's just the rule.So, Kenna comes into our room at 4:45AM yesterday morning.  I'm thinking, it's almost sunrise, I don't feel like getting out of bed, come on in, kiddo!  So, she ended up sleeping in our bed until after I got up to go workout.  Guess who asked me why I let her in our bed?  Yup.  Ugh.Anyway, my alarm finally went off around 5:45 AM and I hit snooze several times before deciding to get up.  I knew I only had a 15 minute workout, so I could afford to sleep in a little.  I checked Facebook for a few minutes before rolling out of bed and driving to the track.  I did a 2 lap warm-up and follow by:As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:Run 200mPush-ups 20xSit-ups 20xI did 7 rounds, plus an extra 200 jog back to the start so I could leave.  1.56 miles for a Tuesday morning that included my strength training isn't too bad.I came home to 2 happy kiddos who were ready to begin the day.  I fed both kids - and the fur baby - before making myself a smoothie and some coffee.MacKenna has VBS this week, so after Matt left around 7:45 for cross country practice, I got the kiddos ready to go and played for a little bit before taking MacKenna to VBS at 9.  Came home, put Miles down for a nap, and hopped in the shower.  I was able to get some house work done before it was time to get Miles up, and Matt was home by that point.  He has a DC trip coming up soon, so we decided to go ahead and get some stuff from Target (my eyelash curler also broke - so that definitely needed to be replaced) before going to pick Kenna up from VBS at noon.  Matt dropped Miles + me off at home to go get Kenna, and I proceeded to get lunch ready for Miles and myself.  Definitely a whirlwind of a morning!After lunch, we watched Walk Off the Earth videos on You Tube while playing with cars + trucks and flubber that MacKenna made at VBS.  We've been struggling with Kenna A LOT the last few days.  She's been throwing huge fits and being a complete brat, including hitting, pinching, and biting us.  Yesterday was a huge improvement, thank goodness.  I think just too much time with mom + dad has not been great for her.  But, it was nice to have my sweet little girl back yesterday!I put Miles down for a nap around 2, and Matt took MacKenna to run some more errands, which meant I had a good 2 hours of peace + quiet to work.  I felt like I got a TON of work done and even had some extra time to sit and read before Kenna and Matt got home around 4.It has been super hot + humid to really do much lately except play either inside or with water or in a pool outside.  We've been spending most of our morning or afternoons playing in the sprinkler or water table outside.  Both kids LOVE the water, so it's been fun to let them be kids and play outside even though it's outrageously hot out.  We played outside for about 45 minutes before heading in to take baths before dinner.It's Taco Tuesday, so while I give the kiddos baths, Matt is busy at work making our weekly fish tacos with homemade slaw.  It's starting to become one of my favorite meals of the week.  It doesn't hurt that we usually split a few beers to enjoy.  I mean, it is summer, right?!More playing happens after dinner, including playing some Just Dance Kids 2 on the Wii so that mommy can get a few more steps in before bed.  Kenna earned the iPad back today (after being grounded from it for 2 days) due to good behavior, so Matt + I hang out in the living room watching Red Hot Chili Peppers on Car Pool Karaoke.  We brush teeth, read a few books, and then spend 30 minutes trying to get Kenna to go to sleep.  Can you tell she's been our problem child lately?!Once the kids are in bed, I fold laundry, grab some chocolate covered raisins and S'mores M&Ms, and start working on this post while watching Fixer Upper and House Hunters.  I know, we are the most exciting family in the world, right?  We've had so many other adventures in the last few weeks that honestly, for me at least, it's been kind of nice to stay close to home and relax.  I mean, that's what summer is for, right?! ;)And if you're not following me yet, you can follow our daily adventures EVERYDAY over on Snapchat!  My screen name is concrete_runner.[Tweet "A day in the life of a teacher in summer."]