#rnrchi training 2016: week 6

So, remember how I said last week was one of my best weeks of training so far?  I lied, this week was my best week of training.  I've hit that sweet spot in training where all those adaptations are starting to take place.  My legs feel light + fast, my lungs feel good, and speed is coming easier.I had some of my best runs this week, including a really great long run.  A long run that I thought was going to be miserable, due to 80% humidity at 6AM.  And the fact that I had run every day so far leading up to it, I was certainly surprised with how great my legs felt.  I'm honestly a little nervous to see what happens the next 4 weeks leading up to race day.  I have a feeling that it won't feel so fabulous as the weeks go on.The Concrete Runner - RNRCHI TrainingMonday:  8 x 400 with 200 recoveries, 1.5 mile WU + CD (6.26 miles @ 7:58/mile)Thrusters 100x, 20 lbsIMG_5784Tuesday:  AMRAP in 6 minutes:Squats 10xSitups 15xRun 100m(7 rounds - total of 1.38 miles with WU + CD)Wednesday:  5 x 1000 with 2:30 rest, 1.5 mile WU + CD (6.18 miles @ 7:19/mile - not including rest)IMG_5820Thursday:  10 minute barefoot run (1.21 miles)5 rounds:Squats 8xBox Jumps 10xBurpees 12xFriday:  2 x 8 x hill sprints with 1/2 mile rest between sets (3.21 miles @ 8:33/mile)4 rounds:Situps 10xDB Swings 20xBox Jumps 30xSaturday:  70 minute run @ 80% 10K pace (8.95 miles @ 7:49/mile)Sunday:  OFFTotal:  27.19 milesIn non-running related, but extra cute news that I just had to share, MacKenna had her first dance recital this past weekend.  And guess who bawled the entire 2 minutes she was on stage?  Yup, this mom.  She was so adorably cute and not nervous one bit.  She has such an outgoing and hilarious personality - I wish I had half the personality she has.  (There's a reason I'm a writer and you don't see many videos of me...)  But, I just had to share these adorable pictures from this weekend, but I mean, come on, she's a doll!Kenna - Dance RecitalP1370525[Tweet "Being in the "sweet spot" of training #halfmarathon #rnrchi"]