day in the life // march 2016
Welcome to a Day in the Life of a middle school track coach + mom...MacKenna is up in the middle of the night, I think around 1-ish, but I honestly don't even remember. She is one sticker away from earning a new Barbie for staying in bed at night, so I'm a little disappointed we won't be getting that Barbie tonight. She's actually up twice, once because she's hot, another because she has to go potty. I take care of her the first time, and Matt goes the second time.I also go take Miles' temperature. He had a slight fever last night, but I didn't want to make the call too early. Turns out, I was right and he's back down to 97.8 degrees. I'm disappointed I have to wake up early, but glad that I won't be missing track practice.My alarm goes off at 3:45 - I go take Miles' temperature one last time to confirm then go back into bed and check Facebook for a little while before actually getting out of bed and getting dressed for my run.Today's workout is 6 x 600 with a 200m recovery jog between each repeat. I end up getting just over 4 miles in before having to jump in the shower.
My run put me behind my normal schedule, so I end up skipping drying my hair and just putting them in some braided pigtails. Saves me some time in the afternoon before track too.I go wake Kenna up who is disappointed in not earning her sticker, but I make it up to her by letting her wear her Rainbow Dash dress since it is supposed to be 80-degrees today. She brushes her teeth while I make her bed and then we go wake up Miles. They sit in the living room watching Mr. Roger's on Amazon Prime while I get my stuff ready for the day. My typical breakfast of vegan chocolate Shakeology, oatmeal squares, and coffee...
I put on my shoes, kiss everyone goodbye, and am out the door by 6:38, which is a little later than usual, but lately, I don't mind. Running in the morning and being "late" (by my standards - on time by my contract) is better than not running at all. Priorities, people...I get to work at 7:15 and promptly get started on my to-do list, which is writing one first and then working on track stuff and posting my morning photo (above) to Instagram. Tis the norm lately, but track is a lot less time consuming than volleyball, which I am eternally grateful for.At 7:35, the first bell rings, so I go monitor kids while getting objectives, workouts, and the quote of the day written on the board. My exercise class has stations today, P.E. is learning shooting in basketball, and we are talking about the respiratory system in health. It's a busy morning, but it definitely makes the day go by much faster.Soon enough, it's 10:30 and I'm on my plan period. I continue working on track stuff, making copies for my health classes for tomorrow, and catching up on emails. My Maroon 5 Pandora station is keeping me motivated to actually get stuff done.I eat my lunch of leftover chili and yogurt with granola while relaxing by checking social media. Whatever can get my mind of work, right?!
The bell rings at 11:56 and it's time for the second half of my day. A little more respiratory system, and 2 more hours of teaching 6th graders how to shoot a basketball. It was a lot of time on my feet before the school day ended at 2:41. And not 2 minutes later, my locker room was full of track kiddos asking whether or not they needed sweats. My rule is under 80-degrees requires sweats. It was 79. I gave them the option of either pants or a sweat shirt until after their warm-up. Most of them didn't complain too much...Their workout was 200 repeats, but the warmer weather killed most of them. The majority of them were able to do 4 sets, with a few overachievers doing 5. I'm thankful I have at least a better idea of who will be running certain events now. 130 kids is not exactly easy to manage...The track kids were gone by 4:35 and I promptly left, listening to The Coach Jenny Show podcast on my way home. I picked up the kids, swung by home to pick up Matt, and then went and voted.
Matt's track team was having a fundraiser at Freddy's Frozen Custard, so we had a night out without having to worry about cooking or doing dishes - my favorite nights! The kiddos were great and ate great, and I got my fill of French fries and frozen custard. I shared my concrete with the kids, so instead of getting the mint Oreo one that I really wanted, I got a sprinkle and Oreo one instead. Kenna took about 3 bites, and Miles couldn't get enough of it... Typical little Moose.
We got home right before 7 and immediately headed out to the backyard to see our neighbor's new pool! It might not be in our backyard, but I can still be excited that we have friends with a pool that is pretty much in our own backyard (OK, it's a couple houses away), just in time for summer! We spent about 5 minutes outside before heading in and winding down with the kiddos for the night.
After books and prayers, both kids were in bed by 8PM. I washed my face, put some diapers in the washer, and then folded clean laundry while watching the new episode of Fixer Upper. I want to be Joanna Gaines...I was hoping to get some time reading on the couch, but by 9:30, I was spent and decided to retire to bed early before another early morning tomorrow. Thankfully, the track kids are doing more of a distance run so I can get my run in with them tomorrow afternoon (aka today). My only hope is that MacKenna decides she really wants that Barbie and stays in bed all night long...[Tweet "A day in the life of a running mom + coach. #motherrunner"]