#gostl half marathon training: week 10
Only 1 more month of training before running my 9th? 10th? half marathon! Is it sad that I honestly have no idea how many times I've run a half marathon? All I know is that I have run GO! St. Louis more than any other race, no matter what distance. I'm actually looking forward to running another 13.1!I thought for sure this week was going to end up being one of those weeks where I felt completely set back in my training. Track started this week, and while I felt completely overwhelmed the majority of the week, I got one of the best compliments I've ever gotten as a coach on Friday, which totally made me feel like I was actually starting to iron out all the kinks. It's hard to step in a fill someone else's shoes who has had the program for the past 2 years. I mean, I've done it with volleyball, but that program was not very successful when I stepped in, so the girls were more than happy to buy-in to my training. Track, however, involves a lot more kids and younger kids and boys, who I am not used to working with. But, so far, so good! I've had to explain my coaching theories A LOT this week, but I am confident we will have another successful program that builds athletes and prepared them not only for the next level of competing, but their other sports as well.Anyway, I digress... Setbacks, right? Well, first of all, MacKenna was sick from last Saturday until about Wednesday, which meant I stayed home with her one day last week. Thankfully, practice ended up getting cancelled that day, so I didn't miss that. And the 4AM workouts were only 3 days last week due to Kenna's little virus. So, I was able to survive those 3 days. Of course, I ended up getting whatever Kenna had and I'm fighting to prevent it from becoming a full-blown sinus infection (hello nasal irrigation...), so those 4AM workouts those last 3 days of the week were not my favorite and my body was definitely not happy with me.But, my training week ended with a very successful race, despite not feeling great. I ran the Run to the Helmet 7K for the 2nd time (here is my race recap of the first time I ran the race), and while I didn't medal or PR, I ended up pulling some pretty decent speed out and finished under my goal time! I'll recap the entire race later this week...Monday: 30 minute easy run (3.75 miles @ 8:00/mile)
Tuesday: 40 minute run @ 85% 5K race pace (4.98 miles @ 8:02/mile)AMRAP in 6 minutes:Hang Cleans 10x, 35 lbsSquats 10x
Wednesday: 30 minute treadmill run (3.74 miles @ 8:01/mile)4 rounds:Deadlifts 3xPushups 6xSquats 9xYoga w/ the bestie
Thursday: 5 x 1000m w/ 200m walk recovery (4.85 miles @ 8:15/mile)Friday: AMRAP in 20 minutes:Run 400m (1.25 miles total)Situps 25xSquats 25x1 mile of stairs w/ the track kids
Saturday: Run for the Helmet 7K - 1.63 miles up, 4.37 miles racing, 1.37 miles down (7.37 miles total)
Sunday: OFFTotal: 26.94 miles
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I'm really happy with where my mileage is right now. I'm hoping that I can maintain 25-30 miles per week for awhile, especially during track season. My goal is to be over 30 miles per week by the end of the year, which I feel is completely feasible since I have 2 more half marathons this year. I love that long runs are feeling easier now more than ever - 90 minute runs seem simple and I'm recovering very quickly. Even with racing and adding mileage on Saturday, I felt incredibly rested on Sunday, with minimal soreness. Looks like I'm FINALLY making my comeback!
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