i'm a #motherrunner

One of the things that keeps me going everyday (besides my kiddos of course) is following other running moms on Facebook and especially Instagram on their journey through running and training.  It always amazes me how other running moms are able to fit in training for marathons, on top of being a mom, whether SAHM or a working mom.I've been doing my best to try and share posts of other running moms on Instagram to help others see how AMAZING these women are!  They are not only committed to their families, but they understand the importance of their own health and giving themselves a little me time.However, I always struggle to find (a) who I want to share with the rest of Instagram, and (b) other mother runners that I might not be currently following.  So, I figured, why not let moms themselves do a little bit of bragging.  My plan is to feature other Mother Runners every so often on the blog, allowing others to have the chance to be inspired by these incredible women.All it takes is answering a couple of questions and voila!  You're in!  I figured I'd go ahead and answer the questions myself.  You know, a little shameless bragging...The Concrete Runner - I'm a Mother RunnerName:  Kristen Van HornAge:  31Hometown:  ‘burbs of St. Louis, MOOccupation:  Physical Education teacher and coachSocial Media Links: 

  • Blog:  www.theconcreterunner.com
  • Instagram:  @concrete_runner
  • Twitter:  @concrete_runner
  • Facebook:  www.facebook.com/theconcreterunner
  • Other:

Number of years running:  13-ish… I started running cross country in 5th grade, only ran 2 years of track in high school (no XC because of volleyball), and then really began loving running when I entered college back in 2003.Names + Ages of Kids:  MacKenna - 4 years, Miles - 14 monthsFavorite Distance to Run:  5K for races or a 4 mile run for training runs.  I absolutely LOVE running fast, more than running long.Favorite or Most Memorable Race:  O’Fallon Fall Fest 5K back in 2009 - it was my first time breaking 20-minutes in a 5K and one of the first races I ever won!Best Running Accomplishment:  I think being able to say that I can run a sub-20 minute 5K on a good day, when I am properly trained.  I can’t do it now, but I’m hoping to get back there someday.Best Parenting Accomplishment:  Oh man, that’s actually tough.  It is probably more related to me than my kids, but actually going to get help with my postpartum depression.  It made me a much better parent, wife, and person, in general.Advice for how you fit running into your busy schedule:  Running and working out are a must for me.  For me, it all comes down to prioritizing.  I have to look at my schedule and what I want to accomplish and determine how to fit in that time for me to run - my “me time”.  Sometimes, that means I have to sacrifice some sleep to get my run in (hello 4AM treadmill runs), but I am a much happier person when I get a run in for the dayBest parenting advice you’ve ever gotten:  The advice actually came from our pediatrician.  When I went in for Miles’ 1-week checkup, I had MacKenna with me.  She asked Kenna some questions about being a big sister and told me that I needed to help Kenna first with her wants/needs and then the baby’s.  Obviously, there are times when you have to put the baby first.  But, a toddler knows when you are not making them a priority - an infant does not.  I tried to stick with this as much as possible while I was on maternity leave and I felt that it made things go a little more peacefully.The Concrete Runner - strollerWanna join in on the fun?!  All you have to do is fill out this form and you're in!  I'm not sure how often I will feature all you amazing #motherrunners out there - it all depends on how much interest I receive.In the meantime, if you're impatient, head on over to Instagram or Twitter and search through the #motherrunner hashtag for some daily inspiration![Tweet "Are you a #motherrunner? Check out some inspirational moms and get yourself featured!"]
