wiaw: a day in the life of a teacher in summer

Summer is coming to an end, so I thought I'd give you a little insight to what a day in my summer life is like.  Please note, MacKenna's behavior lately is not normal for her, but I'll get into that later this week...

1:15 - MacKenna is up out of bed, asking for Mama.  I go in, point to her bed and tell her to close her eyes.  I return to bed at 1:30.4:45 - Kenna is up yet again.  Matt's turn to go in and he comes back in a few minutes.5:15 - Kenna is up for the morning, but isn't crying, so I let her go and try to savor the last 30 minutes before my alarm goes off.5:45 - Alarm goes off.  Boo.6:00 - Kenna is still awake, so I ask her if she wants to lay in bed with Daddy or run with Mama.  She chooses to running, so I get her and myself dressed and ready to go.6:30 - It was a pretty decent run, even with pushing the stroller.  I usually walk to the top of the neighborhood, which takes about 5 minutes and am able to run the rest of the time until right before turning back into the neighborhood - the hills are just too much for me.  3 miles in 31:41.  And Kenna was great too - she loved watching the sprinklers and all the dogs we passed.7:15 - We settle down a fix breakfast.  This morning was a smoothie made with rolled oats, frozen blueberries, half a banana, 2% milk, vanilla protein powder, and a handful of spinach.  I'll be making this one again for sure!IMG_00588:00 - Fold diapers and pick up MacKenna's room to try to make it safer for night's like last night when she does get out of bed.  She hasn't realized yet that she has a roomful of toys to play with and doesn't need to beg for Mama.8:30 - Shower for Mama.9:00 - Time for Daddy to run.  While he runs, Kenna and I fold laundry and do a few more chores around the house.9:45 - MacKenna and I go read books for awhile and play in her room until Daddy gets back and stretches.10:00 - While Daddy and Kenna stretch together, I go make myself a snack.  A gorgeous fresh-picked tomato from my dad's plants with a few slices of colby jack.  I would've had cottage cheese with it, but we were out.  We play in MacKenna's room for a little while until Daddy is ready to go.IMG_684410:40 - Change Kenna's diaper and leave for the chiropractor.11:00 - All 3 of us get adjusted.  Thankfully, my ankle felt MUCH better this morning so I didn't worry about it too much.  We chatted with the chiro's about our toddler sleep issues for awhile before we leave.  I swear, we ask them for advice more than we do our parents!11:20 - We decide to check out Aldi's since there is one close to our new house as an attempt to save some money.  I'm actually impressed!  I will do some of our grocery shopping there, but I can't get all of it.  I was sold with organic cherry tomatoes for $1.99!11:40 - Stop by Costco for a snack to pick up some cottage cheese and other essentials.12:15 - Arrive at home and make lunch for MacKenna.  While MacKenna eats lunch, I make mine and stick it in the fridge for when she goes down for her nap.1:00 - Read books and put MacKenna down for her nap.  She stayed in bed until we closed the door and then cried at the door.  I head downstairs to let her cry it out and find her silent by 1:20.  She pulled her pillow over to the door to try to open it and ended up falling asleep on it.  I'll take it!1:15 - Lunch time!  I catch up on emails and browse Facebook while I eat my salad (butter lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, broccoli, cheddar, hummus, and honey mustard) and pita chips.IMG_68461:40 - Steal Matt's computer so I can do my first PiYo session!  I started with the Align:  Fundamentals "workout", which is really just teaching you how to do the exercises.  But, it was TOUGH (and I was sore the next day).2:30 - Head upstairs and try to get some work done.  Volleyball tryouts are next week and I am still working on getting my plan together.3:00 - The underwriter for our mortgage comes over to talk about the costs of our new house.  I'm pleasantly surprised that things seem to be working in our favor.  We have the money to cover the downpayment and closing costs and our monthly payments are right where we want them to be.  We are waiting to lock in our rate until we get a final closing date.3:10 - MacKenna wakes up during our meeting, so I go up and get her.  She brings her pillow downstairs and lays in the laundry room (random), while we finish up our meeting.4:00 - I grab a snack (dried mangos, that I forgot to take a picture of) and head outside with MacKenna to enjoy the beautiful weather.4:45 - Kenna played in the sandbox until now and then we came inside to color for a little while.  While Matt made dinner, we went downstairs to play with toys in the basement until dinner was ready.6:15 - Dinner!  I'm so thankful I have a husband who cooks!  Quiche is one of my absolute favorite meals (we make it every other week) and we each eat half.  Yeah...IMG_68506:45 - Bath time for MacKenna!  We let her play for a little while and then get her out and ready for bed.7:20 - Read books, say prayers, kisses and singing before trying to sneak out of her room.  Unsuccessful, so Matt stays in to ease her mind for a little while.7:30 - I head back into our room and get to work on my tryout plans for volleyball, as well as a player commitment contract that's due at my coaches meeting tomorrow.8:20 - Matt finally gets Kenna to sleep and comes in to start getting some work done too.9:00 - My tummy is telling me it's time for dessert.  Mmmm, ice cream with caramel and chocolate chips - my favorite!  I eat it while I continue to work.IMG_68519:45 - Time to get ready for bed.10:00 - In bed and I play on my phone while I "watch" the news.10:30 - I'm about ready to close my eyes when we hear a bang from MacKenna's room and 2 seconds later, she's asking for Mama.  I sit in her room and wait for her to fall asleep.10:55 - Matt puts a gate up in front of her door so we can keep her in her room (we don't want her falling down the stairs on accident), I tell her that we will keep the door open as long as she doesn't cry, and I am able to leave her room without protest.11:05 - MacKenna is out of bed again, so Matt goes in to try to get her back to sleep.12:00 - On the dot, Matt returns to bed after falling asleep in her room, but she had fallen asleep around 11:10.Why do toddler sleep issues make the days seem sooooo much longer?!