wiaw: wishing for more UncategorizedApril 16, 2014Clif Buider Bar, coaching, Easter, Lent, Reese's Pieces, volleyball, Wendy'sComment
wiaw: opening day UncategorizedApril 9, 2014Ball Park Village, baseball, opening day, St- Louis Cardinals, What I Ate WednesdayComment
a day in the life of a two and a half year old UncategorizedApril 2, 2014Day in the life, munchkin mealsComment
a little m.e. time UncategorizedMarch 19, 2014M-E- Time, Sweaty Selfie Workout Tank, working mom, workoutComment
giveaway: adventure to fitness UncategorizedFebruary 28, 2014Adventure to Fitness, snow day, winterComment
this + that UncategorizedFebruary 17, 2014healthy eating, house hunting, long runs, Protein, running, treadmill, vegetarianComment
heart healthy chocolate energy bites {2 ways} UncategorizedFebruary 14, 2014cardiovascular health, CocoaVia, heart disease, Wear Red for WomenComment