this + that

I have so much to say yet nothing to say at the same time.  Does that happen to anyone else?  So, I thought I'd do a little this + that to end the week.1. I got to see one of my childhood idols speak on Wednesday.  I could care less about the winter Olympics, but I absolutely LOVE the summer Olympics.  Track, swimming, running, gymnastics... it doesn't get much better.  The most memorable Olympics by far to me was 1996 in Atlanta.  I was obsessed with the gymnasts, and my favorite gymnast was Shannon Miller.  How could you not love her and her classic 90s bangs?


(Image Source)

Well, I got to hear my childhood idol speak on Wednesday at the national Society of Health and Physical Education conference (formerly known as AAHPERD).  The conference was in St. Louis and I was lucky enough to get to go to one day of it - and I chose to go Wednesday because I was able to hear Shannon Miller speak.  I loved hearing about her passion for providing opportunities for kids to be active and healthy.  She currently works with Polar Heart Rate Monitors to promote their products for healthy living.  She was charismatic and absolutely gorgeous!  I still want to be her...


2. It's officially tornado season in St. Louis.  I'm secretly a weather nerd, although I wouldn't say I'm extremely knowledgeable about weather, but I do love to follow the track of storms etc.  But, I absolutely hate spring because of the tornadoes.  Luckily, we no longer live in a house with a basement that floods (we got that fixed before we sold it, don't worry) and we have comfy couches to sit on when there is a warning and we have to go to the basement.  Plus, if Matt's not home, I'll at least have my parents to keep me company.  I still hate how nerve racking they are.  We've already had a few touch down just in the past day.  No fun.3. As awful as I felt during my race this weekend, I've been having a great running week.  I finally realized why my race was so awful last weekend - I hadn't really had a day of rest in 2 weeks!  I rested from running, but with moving, I walked over 20,000 steps both days of our move.  So, my rest day was anything but!  I'm feeling much more well rested this week and runs that I felt horrible doing last week have felt so much easier this week.  REST IS KEY!4. I have the most hilarious two year old.  She has quite the personality on her, but my favorite thing is when she sings.  We still need to work annunciation, but we've got a good start...Have a great weekend guys!  We're off to choose flooring for the new house tomorrow and see one of my dear friends get married!  It should be a fun weekend!