closing the door to our first home

*sigh* It has been one heck of a week.  I'm not sure I've ever been more physically and emotionally exhausted as I have been this week.  I never realized just how much moving could take out of you...We close on our first home at 10 AM this morning.  I won't get all weepy again since I did a pretty good job of that last week, but let's just say some tears were shed yesterday as Matt and I spent our last moments in our house together, just the two of us.  It's so funny how badly we wanted to get out of that house (so many things wrong, so much work to do, and us just not willing to put the money into it), but just how much we are going to miss it.  Again, it's just so bittersweet to be leaving our first home.


We took some pictures of MacKenna outside the house before she left us for the weekend and I'm so glad we did.  I will love looking back at those photos and telling her about all the memories we made in that house with her as our only child.  She's actually asked about going "home" a few times, but she has been adjusting well to my parents house since we moved in this past weekend.


While MacKenna was away for the weekend, Matt and I were busy finishing packing everything up and loading it into our storage pod.  We amazingly were able to fit almost our entire home into one 16-foot storage container, but have spent the rest of this week figuring out exactly what we were going to do with the stuff that didn't fit.  We are so thankful for family and friends who have been more than willing to let us store some stuff in their homes for the next few months.



It has definitely been the most stressful week we've had in a long time - from worrying about packing up and leaving to worrying about the closing today.  I honestly could not see past today - I just wanted to get to get through the week and then I would think about farther down the road.  And today I am letting out a HUGE sigh of relief because we can finally think about the next chapter...Matt and I have been thinking about a new house for a long time.  Specifically, a home that was close to running trails.  It's all about location, right?!  My BFF Julie and her husband just built a home in a new subdivision, which just so happened to be very close to a great network of running trails.  After spending some time with them in their home and in the neighborhood, Matt and I were sold.  And a few weeks ago, this happened...


We officially have a contract on our new soon-to-be built home!  We are so excited for the next chapter, and of course a little nervous since it means putting down a hefty down payment, but we cannot wait!  I have been pinning things like crazy and will soon be going in to pick out all the colors, cabinets, lighting, etc.So, while we close the book on our first home, we cannot wait for the next chapter!  Until then, we will be shacking up with my parents.  It shall be a very interesting experience, but we are happy that they are willing to take us in to allow us to save up some money until our new home is finished being built.  AH!  I can't freaking wait!