I apologize that my blog has been very "house" and "moving" heavy lately, but really, that's ALL my life is revolving around lately. I am literally up to my neck in boxes. I have spent this past week (all of my spring break) packing up our lives into carefully labeled boxes and running things over to my parents' house (my childhood homes), which will be our new temporary home for the next several months.This will be the last weekend in our home. We are so ready to get out of this house, but I can't help but get emotional about everything. MacKenna is spending the weekend at the Lake with my mom, so we had a lot of "finals" last night...It was the last night we would have "pizza night" in this house.It was the last night we would get to sit together after dinner watching "Let It Go" a million times and singing at the top of our lungs in this house (with the windows open, of course).
It was the last time I would get to read a book to my daughter in her nursery.
It was the last time I would get to say prayers, kiss her goodnight, and put her to bed in her crib in her nursery.I keep asking myself why I'm getting so emotional over all of this, but truly, I'm going to miss this house. We've created our life together in this home. We bought this house (well, Matt bought this house) when we were engaged over 7 years ago. We came home together from our honeymoon to this house to start our life together. We've celebrated 6 anniversaries in this house. We got pregnant in this house and brought our daughter home to this house. We've celebrated new jobs, promotions, and many other big events in this house. It's hard to imagine life apart from this house now since it's been such a big part of our lives for the past 7.5 years.I'm trying really hard not to be sad, but I will miss all the firsts and beginnings we made in this house. But, I know that soon enough, we will have all new firsts and beginnings in our new home, and I can't wait to be able to make those new memories and share them all with you as well (hopefully sooner rather than later). Our next house will have MacKenna's first big girl room. It will hopefully also be a place where we will expand our family (yes, it is a thought, but it's not happening yet). We will have many more pizza nights, nights cuddling on the couch, and of course, every night will involve kissing our daughter goodnight. It's definitely a bittersweet goodbye.