giveaway: adventure to fitness

**Disclosure:  This post and giveaway is sponsored by Adventure to Fitness.  All opinions are my own.**

So, it looks like we are gearing up for another major winter storm this weekend and early next week.  According to my favorite meteorologist, March is supposed to be even worse than January and February.  My super awesome principal, who has been 100% accurate on her prediction of snow days so far, is predicting no school next week.  At all.  Keep in mind, we have already had 15 snow days so far in 2014...

Again, this brings me to:  WHAT THE HECK ARE WE GOING TO DO INSIDE FOR SEVERAL MORE DAYS?!  Enter Adventure to Fitness...

adventure to fitness

Adventure to Fitness is the #1 educational fitness program for kids that is used by parents and teachers to get kids active while also providing them a fun way to learn.  Adventure to fitness provides:

  • Interactive fitness with engaging 30-minute videos and activities to encourage kids to get active while learning important health facts
  • A fun way to learn about math, science, social studies, language arts, and history
  • Kid-friendly recipes that encourage kids to eat well and stay fit

As a mom and a P.E. teacher, I was so excited to try out an "adventure"!  On our last snow day, I asked MacKenna if she wanted to watch a fun "gymnastics" video with Mama.  Anytime I mention gymnastics, she's sold.  So I pulled out my laptop, pulled our hair back, and we were ready to get active.MacKenna and I chose the "Les Pie Rats of the Caribbean" video.  Anytime I mention pirates (pie rats), she's sold too.  We were greeted by Mr. Marc who would be our adventure guide.  He quickly explained all the different movements we would be doing throughout the 30-minute video and made sure we knew that no matter what, we had to keep moving!


I won't lie... MacKenna lasted about 5 seconds before she was off doing something else, but I decided to keep going, just in case she wanted to join me again.  I have to admit, it was pretty fun!  Especially from the point of view of a mom who is dying to get her kids active when they have been stuck inside!  And I actually learned a few things too! (OK, so it might have been things that I knew at one time but song lyrics have pushed out of my brain.)


I really thought the videos were fun and definitely educational.  There was a lot of history and social studies in my video, but there was also a TON of health information!  Now, my middle school kiddos would probably never go for something like this, but this would be awesome for younger ones (kindergarten to 5th grade).  I could totally seeing this being used not just at home, but as a way for my teaching buddies to get their students active during indoor recess or just a fun extra activity to do during the week (maybe on a day you don't have P.E.).Adventure to Fitness wanted to give my awesome readers an opportunity to try their subscription program for FREE and are giving away a 6 month membership (valued at $60)!  If you are a teachers or have young kiddos at home, I really think Adventure to Fitness would be perfect for you on the days you need to get your kids moving!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway will run from Friday, February 28 to Wednesday, March 5.  The winner will be announced on Thursday, March 6!  Good luck, have a great weekend, and STAY WARM! :)
