munchkin meals: snow days

I'm on my 3rd snow day this week, taking our total number of snow days this school year up to 12.  Twelve. Freaking. Snow. Days.  And no, we won't be in school until July - our absolute last day will be May 30th.  We're one snow day away from not having to make up anymore.  I say bring on the snow since I'm definitely the last one to complain about them.  I love any day that I get to spend at home with my little family.However, it does make for feeding and entertaining a 2 year old just a little more difficult.  As a working mama, I really only have to worry about 1 or 2 meals a day and entertainment for about 2.5 hours every night.  Let's just say that I am less than prepared to keep my busy toddler happy all day long without social interaction.I'm so not used to having to feed her 3 meals a day, plus snacks.  I'm realizing more and more how much of a little grazer MacKenna is.  I swear that child could eat all day long if I let her.  OK, I sort of did let her.  But, you will see a drastic difference in what she is eating now compared to just 2 months ago!  Her meals have included:Smoothies and cereal on the couch...

Kenna eating

Panera macaroni and cheese with blueberries and apples...


Quesadillas with apples, blueberries, and carrots (with hummus)...


French toast Goldfish and a ton of dried fruit...

Kenna snack

She also ate a bunch of other stuff that I just didn't take the time to photograph, but I'm sure you can picture her in her little tutu chowing down.  But, she's eating well and she's eating things that are good for her.  It makes it much easier to spend some time sitting on the couch with her eating M&M's since I know she is getting the nutrients she needs - and isn't asking to eat cookies or M&M's all day long.As for entertainment, I was scraping the bottom of the toy box (literally) to try to keep her (and myself) from going absolutely stir crazy.  I had to get a little bit creative to keep things fun and interesting and not just sitting in front of the TV or on the "HiPad" all day long.  Fun activities have included:Playing in the snow for the first time this season...





Playing dress up and dancing and singing in the living room with Mama and Daddy...


Looking outside at the snow because it was just too cold to go out yesterday...


Practicing gymnastics in the living room...


Various sensory activities, like playing with cotton balls and bubbles...




Picking out all the foods in the weekly grocery store ads...


Today will most likely be a repeat of the same foods and activities.  I'm going a bit stir crazy, but like I said, I'd take a day at home over a day at work any day.  Still trying to figure out how I can work from home and still make a good living that can support our family.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them!And don't forget to go check out what the other munchkins are eating over at Brittany's blog!