#runnerproblems: am or pm

I have found myself in a bit of a predicament this week.  The weather actually took a turn for spring and warmed up into the mid 60s a few days this week!  Of course, I wanted to take advantage of this perfect running weather and pushed what would have been a morning run back to after work.Tuesday's run was wonderful!  It was the first time I had run outside since my 6K back in January - exactly a month since I had done a run outside.  My body needed it.  My mind needed it even more.  As much as I love snow, my body just really needed to spend some time outside in the sun.  I ran an easy 4 miles in 30:40 (7:36/mile).  It. Was. Glorious.


Wednesday was another great day to run outside, but it was about 10 degrees cooler.  It had also been a long day at work.  By the time 3 PM rolled around, I was just not looking forward to having to go run.  Sure, the weather was perfect, but I was absolutely drained and just wanted to spend some time on the couch, vegging out to reruns of Good Luck Charlie with MacKenna, while gorging myself on dried mango (my new favorite snack).But, I knew I needed to go run. Another easy 4 miles in 30:44.  While it wasn't nearly as glorious as Tuesday's run, it still felt nice to be outside and despite running 4 seconds slower, I felt a million times better than I did on Tuesday.While it's wonderful to run outside in the afternoon after work, I really tend to prefer running in the morning.  There is just something about getting a good sweat in to wake me up and get my day going that an afternoon run just cannot do for me.  It gives me energy, it prepares me for the day ahead, and heck, it's just nice to have it done and out of the way for the day.But, morning runs also mean the treadmill.  If I run in the morning, I have to be done by 5 AM in order for me to get ready, get MacKenna ready, and get out the door by 6:30.  And we all know, the sun certainly isn't up before 5 AM and I am too chicken to run outside in the dark that early in the morning (not because of cars, but because of the creepers that might be out).


So, you can see my predicament.  AM runs to get it done but have to run on the treadmill, or run in the PM outside, hoping I can stay motivated to get it done after a long day at work.  It's so much easier in the winter when I actually prefer the treadmill because of the cold.  But, as it starts to get warmer, my body is going to be itching to get outside for a run.  What's a girl to do?  True #runnerproblems for sure...


Which do you prefer:  running in the morning or running in the afternoon/evening after work?
