#rnrchi training: week 2 (+ stroller running day)

My new training log/planner (that I cannot recommend enough) "forces" you to set weekly training goals and then reflect on your week at the end of the week. I've been trying to do this every week, but they mostly revolve around one thing...Fitting in my workouts.Before RnR Chicago training started, it was more for my mental health than anything else. But now with a training goal in mind, I'm working hard to actually get my workouts in. Some weeks are much easier than others because I have nothing going on and I can follow my normal routine. But weeks like this past week can really throw me off and I struggle to find the time to fit in my runs.Our babysitter was out Monday and Tuesday last week, meaning Matt had to take off to watch the kids since I am out of days. Because he has track practice, I left work early instead of staying around to get my workout in. So, a lot of days this week, I ended up running around 5, and one night at 8 after the kids went to bed because I was at work late and needed to pick the kids up on time. Then, I decided to stay out until 1 with the neighbors and didn't get to bed until almost 2 Friday night. My alarm was set for 5:45 for my long run on Saturday morning, but my body was telling me otherwise. Of course, Kenna got up at 6:15, but I was able to at least lay in bed until 7. So, I delayed my long run until Sunday, and I'm glad I did.Even with a busy week and a schedule that was completely thrown off, I got all of my training runs in (I did change my tempo intervals to a time trial for lack of sunlight on Wednesday night). Just the process of writing my goals down has really helped me hone in and focus on what's really important in my training. Sometimes it's about hitting times, but for now, it's just finding the time to get those workouts in.Monday:  3 mile stroller run (single stroller w/ Miles - 8:40 pace)Tuesday:  20 x 20 seconds w/ 1 minute recoveries (4 miles @ 7:51 pace)WOD - 3 rounds of:Tabata Squat Jumps 2x (20s on/10s off)Tabata Side Skaters 2xTabate Lunge Jumps 2xRun 1 lapWednesday:  5K time trial in 22:47 (7:20 pace)  Thursday:  For time:Deadlifts 50x, 55#Walking Lunges 50xFront Squats 40x, 45#K2Es 40xPower Cleans 30x, 45#Burpee Box Jumps 30xDB Thrusters 20x, 15#Jump Rope 80xFriday:  3 mile easy run (8:00 pace)3 rounds, 30 seconds each:Band ButterfliesSquat ThrustersBand PullsLunge JumpsBand CurlsKB Swings, 20#Saturday:  OFFSunday:  6 mile long run (8:30 pace)  Total:  19.1 milesDon't forget:  National Stroller Running Day is coming up on May 31st!  If you're living in St. Louis and are looking to meet some other local #motherrunners, I am hosting a meetup and would LOVE to have you join me!  Also, Katie @ Mom's Little Running Buddy is giving away some awesome prizes right now, as well as selling some adorable shirts to recognize those of us setting an example for our little ones by taking them running with us!  If you want more information about my St. Louis/St. Charles meetup, you can comment below or email me at klvanhorn@gmail.com.Stroller Running Day_LOGO_FINAL