weekly workouts: spring break

Noooo!  How is it already Friday?!  I’ve so much enjoyed my time off with MacKenna.  We have really been having a great time spending this past week together!  I can tell that both of us needed some time together and are much more happy – and I have been able to relax and take some stress off!  I so wish I could spend another week or two off with her, but only another month or 2 and we will have the entire summer together!

Even with time off, I definitely slacked off on doing CrossFit this week.  My gym only allows MacKenna to stay in their childcare for 1 hour (until she is 2 or 3) and with some of my longer runs this week, it just wasn’t going to be possible to fit in both my run and CrossFit in an hour.  Running takes top priority right now, so CrossFit took a backseat.


2 mile warm-up and cool down for Cross Fit

{ CrossFit}
5 rounds for time:
Run 400m
Box Jumps 30x, 18”
Thrusters 30x, 10# dumbbells


11 mile long run with my brother


Rest Day


2 mile warm-up and cool down for CrossFit

Run 800m
Squats 50x
Run 800m
Situps 50x
Run 800m


1/2 mile warm-up
10x400 meter repeats with 400 meter recoveries
1/2 mile cool down
(6 miles in 44:43)



3 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
For time:
Kettlebell Swings 20x, 25 lbs
Knees to Elbows 30x
Run 400m



45 minute Fartlek
(6.3 miles)


I read an (old) article this week that Coach Greg McMillan (who’s training pace calculator I’m currently using – I’ll get into that later too) discourages using the term “tapering” since it has a negative connotation to it.  Instead, he suggests using the term “peaking”.  Well, I have to say that I am definitely peaking this week!

Yesterday’s run was one of the best I’ve ever had!  I PRed in not only my 6 mile time, but also my 5 mile time!  Unfortunately, they don’t count since they were training runs, but I’m telling you, it was an awesome feeling!  I think I’m going to look into racing a 10K since it’s been several YEARS since I’ve run one!  A new distance to focus on, although I’ll still be focusing mostly on the 5K distance.

Here’s the workout that helped me hit those times.  Of course, PLEASE change the speeds to something that is suitable for you!  I totally understand that not everyone runs the same pace (speed is relative), so adjust this for yourself.  All I did was start at my 400 pace and decrease by 0.2 mph with each fast interval.  It was a tough, but totally AWESOME, workout!  Maybe you can hit some PRs with it as well!


Have you ever PRed on a training run?  How long does your gym allow your child to stay in childcare?