easter in pictures

I hope you all had a very happy and wonderful Easter!  I don’t know about you guys but Sunday wore me out!  We were go, go, go all day long, from church to Matt’s parents’ house to my family’s get together.  And now that it’s 9 PM while I’m typing this, I’m way to exhausted to write a bunch of stuff.  So, instead, here are some of the highlights (in photos) from our Easter Sunday.

And just FYI (not that you’ll mind), but these are very MacKenna heavy.  Enjoy!

Easter cinnamon rolls

Easter-Kenna with egg

Easter-MacKenna eggs piano

Easter-MacKenna egg basket

Easter-MacKenna holding egg

Easter-MacKenna egg gma

Easter-MacKenna pointing

Easter-MacKenna and Mama trampoline 2

Easter-MacKenna balls trampoline

Easter-MacKenna trampoline ball

Easter-MacKenna trampoline

Easter-MacKenna trampoline back

Easter-MacKenna and Mama trampoline

Easter-MacKenna and mama trampoline 3

Easter-MacKenna sleeping

Did you do anything special for Easter?  Were you exhausted by the end of the day like I was?!