spring break with mommy

Hi Mommy’s readers!  It’s MacKenna!  I’m so excited to tell you all about what Mommy and I have been up to while she’s been home on her spring break!  I have really loved having Mommy home with me all the time the past few days.  She told me that she spent her spring break with me last year, but I was too little to remember.  This year, I’m making sure that I remember every single fun thing we did together!

I’ve been loving being able to read books with Mommy All. The. Time!  It’s one of my favorite things to do!  I go get a book and back up until I can sit down on her lap.  It makes Mommy giggle!  I like to read books that make noises and where I can lift the flap or pet fuzzy animals.  Mommy lets me turn the pages, but she doesn’t read fast enough.  I just get bored too quickly and am ready for the next book after just a few pages.  Sometimes it’s just easier to read by myself.

MacKenna reading book

We’ve been playing dress-up this week too!  Mommy let me put on some of her pretty pink jewelry, but my favorite thing to dress-up in are Dada’s old boxer shorts!  I pretend that I’m wearing a pretty scarf or I put it on as a cape and pretend I’m Queen Kenna!

MacKenna toy box dressup

Mommy also took me out to play in the snow on Monday!  We stayed inside all day on Sunday, so I was ready to get outside to see this stuff in person.  It was as deep as my head!  I had a lot of trouble walking around in it, but I think some of that has to do with Mommy putting plastic bags on my feet.  I don’t like when she does that.  Why doesn’t she just go buy me some boots?!

MacKenna snow closeup

MacKenna snow standing

My Gigi took off work on Wednesday and she took Mommy and me out to the mall with her!  Mommy and Gigi spent a lot of time in New York or something like that because they had a sale.  Mommy said she bought a lot of clothes and needs to find places to wear them because she doesn’t wear fancy clothes to work.  I was getting pretty bored and threw a fit when they were putting on clothes and paying for what they bought.  But, they made up for it with our next stop…

The carousel!  I really, REALLY wanted to ride the carousel and wouldn’t let Mommy or Gigi leave until I rode it.  I rode it once with Mommy…

MacKenna and Mommy on carousel

Then, Gigi said it looked like so much fun that she took me to ride on it again!

MacKenna and Gigi on carousel

MacKenna and Gigi carousel

And THEN, Gigi bought me a balloon that was as big as me!  And in my favorite color, PINK!

MacKenna with balloon

MacKenna with balloon in stroller

Mommy kept patting my hair down because she said the balloon was making it stand up.  She was just trying to make me look really pretty because I was going to get my picture taken with the Easter Bunny!  I remember doing this not very long ago, but it was with a boy who sort of looked like my PawPaw, but had hair on his chin and wore a big red suit.  The Easter Bunny was kind of like one of my stuffed animals at home, but much, much bigger!  I wasn’t scared, but I didn’t want to sit on his lap very long.  Mommy told me to stay away from strangers, and he was a stranger to me!

MacKenna with Bunny

MacKenna escape Bunny

Mommy still has a few more days off before she leaves me during the day again.  I miss her when she’s gone, but she’s made up with it this week with all the fun we’ve been having!  She said that pretty soon she won’t have to leave during the day because of something called summer and we can have more fun again, like playing in the pool!  I can’t wait!

MacKenna and Lucy

Do you get to spend time with your Mommy and Daddy when they don’t have to work?  Did your Mommy and Daddy take you to see the Easter Bunny?