#rnrchi training: week 4
Schools. Out. For. Summer! Even with it being Memorial Day - a day I would have had off even if school wasn't finished for the year - it doesn't feel like the end of the school year. But, I have thoroughly enjoyed my summer so far: beer, bonfires, and the big screen! We spent the last few evenings in the backyard with the neighbors, watching sports + movies and just chilling. If this is what the first few days of summer are like, I can tell it's going to be a great one!I also spent Sunday morning running my longest postpartum run yet. And I am feeling it! My goal was supposed to start out slow and finish the run with my last 2 miles as my fastest. Well, thankfully, goal achieved, but it certainly wasn't easy. I ended my run with my feet burning and a bloody toe. Plus, another toe that feels like a black toenail coming on - again. I am very thankful that this coming weekend is a cutback week - and National Stroller Running Day on Sunday! Who's taking their kiddos out for a run?!Besides being sore and tired, it was a great week of workouts. I had to skip all strength training due to a very busy schedule, but I'm hoping to start getting in some good at-home workouts in this week.Monday: 3.5 mile run (7:54 pace)Tuesday: 4 miles total w/ 20 x 20 seconds + 1 minute recoveries (7:43 pace)
Wednesday: 3 mile run (7:38 pace)Thursday: OFF - spent some time running through inflatable obstacle courses, which completely + totally wore me out!
Friday: 4 mile tempo run w/ 1 mile warm-up + cool down and 2 miles @ 7:31/7:38 (7:49 pace)Saturday: OFFSunday: 8 mile long run (8:05 pace)Total: 22.5 miles