#rnrchi training: week 5
Well, I officially survived parenting both kiddos by myself for 48+ hours without losing my mind - or my cool either. Matt was at the state track meet from Thursday morning until Saturday night, leaving me home alone with both kids. I have to admit, I'm not handling being the mom of 2 as gracefully as I had anticipated. But, I got through the first part of the weekend without pulling out my hair. So, win for Mama...
OK, not winning with this one. I went and bought some mesh bumpers for him yesterday.
Of course, with Matt gone, fitting in solo workouts was a little tougher. I ended up packing up both kiddos and took them to the gym so I could get an hour all to myself. I did a quick HIIT workout, followed by a 30 minute swim! After my 8 mile run last Sunday and running the next 4 days after that, my body was screaming at me for some rest. The swim felt amazing - it was my first time in the pool since my triathlon 2 summers ago. Luckily, I didn't feel like I had lost too much swimming fitness and didn't need nearly as much rest as when I first started swimming 2 years ago. My shoulder hurt for a day, but other than that, it was a great workout.I also celebrated National Stroller Running Day yesterday with my favorite little guy! We did a nice 5 mile run together (well, he napped) to finish up the week of workouts.
Monday: 4M easy run (8:01 pace)Tuesday: 3M easy run (8:04 pace)Wednesday: 4M easy run (8:27 pace)Thursday: 5M hilly fartlek run w/ 12+ hill sprints (8:08 pace)Friday: 1000m swim:200m WU5 x 50m in 90s100m easy5 x 50m in 90s200m CDSaturday: OFFSunday: 5 miles w/ the single stroller (9:00 pace)Total: 21 miles