#rnrchi training 2016: week 5
This was probably one of my best weeks of training so far. Of course, last week really was more of a stepback week, so it is no surprise that I was well rested and ready to tackle a tough week. And it was definitely tough week: several mornings spent at the track, some mile repeats, and a 5K race. But, as usual, I'll recap you on that later this week. Let's just say that all that time on the track is really starting to pay off.I can't believe how much I am actually enjoying running at the track. Sure, running in circles is absolutely my least favorite thing, but now that I'm starting to see the payoff, I'm actually really enjoying it. It's definitely helped take some of the pounding off my legs as well - although, that meant when I did my mile repeats on the pavement, I was hurting pretty bad. I'm still working to find a good balance between the 2, but I love seeing my speeds getting better and I'm happy where I'm at right now. I'm just about half way through training for Rock 'n' Roll Chicago (I'm doing the remix again), so I'm hoping to see even more of an improvement in my speed.Monday: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:Run 400mSitups 15xSquats 25x(Got in 7 rounds, plus an extra lap for an even 2 miles)
Tuesday: 40 minutes @ 85% 5K pace (5.15 miles @ 7:47/mile)AMRAP in 6 minutes:Pushups 5xSquats 10x
Wednesday: 5 x 1000m with 600m recoveries + 1/2 mile warmup (6.10 miles @ 7:43/mile)
Thursday: 10 minutes barefoot (1.21 miles)4 rounds:Deadlifts 3x, 75 lbsPushups 6xSquats 9x
Friday: 1 mile warmup + 3 x 1 mile with 3 minute recoveries + 3/4 mile cool down (4.76 miles @ 7:29/mile)
Saturday: 1 mile warmup + 5K race + 1 mile cool down (5.20 miles)
Sunday: OFFTotal: 24.42 milesOn to another tough week of training - more time on the track and a tough 9 miler long run this coming weekend. Plus, summer weather is going to officially be here this week. Ugh. Just more of a reason to start my morning early! Hope ya'll have a great week![Tweet "More time on track = faster times for #RNRCHI"]