i'm a #motherrunner: rim aoude'
Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've had a chance to feature another Mother Runner! I've been following Rim on Snapchat (you can follow me too - username concrete_runner) all week and her kiddos are so dang cute! Love being able to see other runners who are kicking major booty at parenting as well - Rim is definitely one to follow!
Name: Rim Aoude'Age: 31Hometown: MontrealSocial Media: @rimmayfaour on InstagramNumber of years you've been running: 11Names + Ages of kiddos: May is 4 and baby Zed is 4 monthsFavorite Distance to Run: 8kmFavorite or Most Memorable Race/Run: Vacationing in Muscat Oman... I ran through the mountains with the sea under me.. It was unforgettable. Also my first run after a miscarriage last year , it made me feel like I can heal.. In due time, and it was the first timeI ran while choking on tears.Best Running Accomplishment: Running while pregnant during all three pregnancies with May and Zed I ran untill 34 weeks. But really, my best accomplishment is realizing that once you become a mother there is no such thing for the perfect time to run... You just fit it in whenever.Best Parenting Accomplishment: Taking a full year off for maternity. I do not enjoy staying at home and my career is so important to me. Doing it because it's the right thing to do for my kids and letting go of "me" temporarily is the hardest thing I had to do. Of course I also acknowledge that I am lucky that I have the choice and can afford to stay home for a year. Oh that and not allowing any screen time until my daughter turned 2...(boy is was it tough to commit to)Advice for other running moms on how to fit running into a busy schedule: Just do it... All it takes is lacing up your shoes ... At the same time have realistic goals. We are currently living in Doha, Qatar as expats. With zero family support and 5 am wake up times and very small running community, I accept that sometimes i have to do with 2 or 3 runs a week until my 4 month baby starts sleeping better.Best parenting advice you've ever received: It's not about the quantity, rather the quality of time you spend with your kids.Seriously, isn't she amazing?! I absolutely love her parenting and running advice - and they are definitely words that I try to live by!I would LOVE to feature YOU too! Head on over to the Mother Runner tab at the top and fill out the form! I feature one mother runner the first Friday of every month and I can't wait to feature YOU![Tweet "How this #motherrunner fits in running while also having a career."]