#rnrchi training 2016: week 4

Ah, the first full week off.  It. Was. Glorious!  Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy being at home with my kids every day.  As a working mom, I sometimes really enjoy my time working because I don't necessarily have to be "mom" all the time (of course, with middle schoolers, I'm still playing "mom" at least a little).  It's a nice little break than having 2 little people who need you all the time.  But, I kind of love that there is someone who always needs me.  Maybe it's that mama instinct...I spent the first full week of summer waking up early (6AM) every morning, going for a run, and then spending the rest of the day with my kiddos.  Matt spent 3 days out of town at the state track meet (his 4x800 team made it to state), so I got to spend even more time with my little people than usual.  I will admit, it was extra nice to have him home to help out with the kids after 3 days.  It was also nice because it took away from any running I had planned on doing.  I'm kind of a wimp and just really don't enjoy pushing both kids in the stroller.  I know, I'm really not that supermom runner you all imagined.  I did a few quick living room workouts while Miles napped and Kenna rested, but that was it.  So, it was even better for him to be home so that I could get a long run in and some more quality workouts.  I'm already dreading when he leaves for 5 days in Washington DC...The Concrete Runner - RNRCHI TrainingMonday:  6 x 400m with 400m recoveries + 1.5 miles to + from the track (6.01 miles @ 7:48/mile pace)IMG_5570Tuesday:  4 rounds of:Deadlifts 6x, 75 lbsSitups 12xIMG_5591Wednesday:  35 minutes @ 85% 5K pace - worst run of the week with lots of walking (4.35 miles @ 8:19/mile pace)Deadlifts 3x10, 75 lbsFront Squats 3x10, 75 lbsIMG_5608Thursday:  2 miles @ 7:45/mile paceAMRAP in 7 minutes:Pushups 5xDumbbell Swings 15x, 35 lbsIMG_5623Friday:  AMRAP in 10 minutes:V-Ups 9xSquats 12xPushups 15xSaturday:  OFFSunday:  8.5 miles @ 7:53/mile paceIMG_5657Total:  20.8 milesTotal May Miles:  92.5[Tweet "One month in to #RNRCHI training..."]Not quite the 100 miles I was going for this month, but I'll take it!  Oh, and Happy National Running Day!  I'm planning on getting in a good track workout this morning.  If you are looking for your next race to run, Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series is offering their LOWEST prices of the year TODAY ONLY!  I'd love to see you in Chicago next month or St. Louis in October!  This is definitely worth checking out, especially those of you looking for your fall goal race!RNR Global Running Day SaleOr, if you missed the sale on June 1st, you can ALWAYS save $15 on any Rock 'n' Roll Series marathon or half marathon using the discount code CONCRETERUNNER![Tweet "Save BIG on @runrocknroll races in honor of National Running Day!"]The Concrete Runner - RnR Discount Code