#rnrchi training 2016: week 1

Well, I really had no intention of falling off the face of the earth last week.  But, with track meets Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and just a busy overall week, I was (1) flat out exhausted by the time I got home, and (2) crunched for time the majority of the week.  But, track is officially over, albeit a BBQ today after school and our banquet on Wednesday evening.  Oh, and did I mention there are only 8 days of school left?!  Woohoo!  This is our last full week and I am beyond ready for summer.Last week was also the first week of training for Rock 'n' Roll Chicago in July.  I'm so pumped and ready to get my half marathon time down as much as possible.  July races are always tricky because it's always hot, but I'm going to do the best I can to acclimate myself to the heat and train at the paces I need to as much as possible.I've decided to go ahead and try the "Unbreakable Runner" training program this time around.  After really analyzing the program, I felt like it would be a good fit for me right now.  It has a lot of speed work and "easy" runs that are run at a percentage of your 5K and 10K paces.  Most weeks have 4-5 runs per week, plus CrossFit workouts built into the program.  We will see how it goes and then decide whether or not I train using the same program again.  I'm hoping it'll keep me injury/pain free throughout the next 10 weeks...The Concrete Runner - RNRCHI TrainingMonday:  10 x 200 w/ 200 recoveries (3.46 miles @ 8:03/mile)IMG_5054Tuesday:  5K @ 85% 10K pace (3.1 miles @ 7:35/mile)3 rounds:Box Jumps 10xPush-Ups 10xSit-Ups 10xIMG_5067Wednesday:  6 x 800 w/ 2:30 rest + 1/2 mile warm-up and cool dawn (4.12 miles @ 6:52/mile - not counting rest periods)Thursday:  Run 400m + Squats 40x + Sit-Ups 30x + Push-Ups 20x + Burpees 10xFriday:  5K @ 80% 5K pace (3.10 miles @ 7:48/mile)3 rounds:Squats 10x, 45 lbsDeadlifts 10x, 45 lbsIMG_5113Saturday:  Cowbell Uncorked Relay (6.16 miles @ 7:40/mile + 3.01 miles @ 8:17/mile + 3.18 miles @ 7:22/mile - more details to come later this week!)IMG_5188Sunday:  OFFTotal:  26.43 milesI'm so ready to get after it this week!  And I'm hoping to start doing more yoga - I can't even explain exactly how tight my hamstrings are right now.  I'm in desperate need of some stretching and meditation in my life!