a week of #wycwyc workouts
I have a love/hate relationship with the beginning of the school year. I love the fresh start, new students, and fun the beginning of the school year brings. I hate how busy it is - and the fact that my summer is over. Only 180 more school days...This past week was crazy busy. Monday and Wednesday were full of all day meetings, Tuesday was morning meetings and Back to School day/night from 1-7 PM, Thursday was the first day of school, and Friday was spent teaching about our cell phone policy and locker room procedures 30 times (literally). Plus, trying to get everything ready to actually start teaching this week. It's been jam packed all day every day.Oh, and don't forget that MacKenna started 3-year old preschool this week too. So, we had her back to school night on Monday and learning our new routine this week as well.The weekend has been our attempt to recover, but it was busy too, with the Lantern Festival at the Botanical Gardens with my family on Saturday, and church and cross country practice on Sunday.
I quickly deemed last week a "What I Can, When I Can" week (you can follow the hashtag #wycwyc to see other's "what you can, when you can" posts). My goal was just to fit in workouts when I could and now worry so much about my training plan. I would try to get the important workouts in, but otherwise, if I needed some extra rest days due to no time, that was OK too. I threw strength training out the window but cannot WAIT to hit the weight room this week. No more excuses for this girl.Overall, it ended up being a pretty successful week of workouts.Monday: 2 mile easy run (7:21/mile)Tuesday: OFFWednesday: 3 mile easy run (7:46/mile)Thursday: 8 x hill sprints (7:41/mile)
Friday: OFFSaturday: 6 mile long run (8:29/mile)
Sunday: 5.5 mile easy run (7:59/mile)Total: 21 milesApparently, I need to be an afternoon runner. I cannot even tell you how awful I feel running in the morning. Comfortable is so much slower in the morning than in the afternoon. I need that time to warmup - or maybe I should actually start warming up in the morning instead of running cold. Hmmmm...