end of summer: bucket list update

Well, we didn't quite finish our bucket list this summer.  Boo.  There were a few things that kept us from finishing it.  One thing was the weather.  If it wasn't raining, it was just too darn hot to take an infant out for an extended period of time.The other thing:  my THREE grad classes this summer.  In order to get the massive number of papers I had to write, I absolutely needed the 2 hour nap time in the afternoon.  So, that really limited the amount of time we had to spend out of the house this summer, or getting things done around the house.  But, those classes are done (with As of course!) and I only have ONE MORE this fall before I have my master's degree!  Woohoo!Here are the things we were able to complete on our Summer Bucket List:2015 Summer Bucket List1. Play at Zachary’s Playground.  We sort of did this.  We didn't actually make it to Zachary's Playground in Lake St. Louis, but we did make it to Brendan's Playground, which is the same Unlimited Play playground.  We did this the first we of summer and had a great time!  But, it was CROWDED.  Ugh.3. Take a trip to Chicago without the kids.  Best. Trip. Ever!  I had so much fun during our weekend away and I am really hoping we can do it again next summer - and spend a little more time in the city.  Chicago is such a beautiful city and I am really, really missing it.  I can't wait to go back!IMG_22444. Tour Goose Island Brewing.  We had so much fun on this tour!  It gave me a much better appreciation for Goose Island Beer and now it's one of my favorites.  If you haven't tried the Fulton Street Ale yet, you need to, especially if you are a coffee lover like me.IMG_22095. Rub Lincoln’s nose in Springfield, Illinois.  CHECK!IMG_21756. Finish potty training MacKenna.  CHECK!  She is a champ on the potty now!  I am so proud of her!  We are in underwear full time now!  It's so nice to only have one kiddo in diapers!7. Swimming lessons with MacKenna.  Well, we had to deal with rain, vacation, and the July 4th holiday, but we at least had a few sessions.  She is better in the water now, but still has a little bit of fear.  Going underwater and jumping in, specifically...9. Make a sandcastle on the beach.  CHECK!  She LOVED the beach!IMG_196010. Run on the beach.  I had one little run on the beach, but it wasn't great since I was dealing with massive hip pain while in Gulf Shores.  But, I did it...IMG_2009OK, maybe we didn't do so terrible.  We did everything but 2 things:2. Go to the Museum of Transportation.  Someday.  Two years in a row now we haven't made it out there.8. Finish up the house – hang up lights + pictures, finish bedrooms.  We're getting closer.  I'm happy with what we did get done this summer.  I made our gallery wall, we hung several lights, and hopefully by this time next week, our TV will FINALLY be hung over our fireplace.  That would've been done weeks ago, but the TV we ordered off Amazon was broken when we went to hang it, and we (and our helpers) have been busy.Overall, we really had a great summer!  But, I have to admit, my favorite part wasn't doing all of these things.  I honestly felt like the last week of summer was my favorite.  It was my first week officially NOT coaching volleyball and I was able to enjoy an extra week off with my kiddos.  I absolutely love my family and am so thankful for the extra time we get to spend together in the summer.IMG_2033