day in the life: back to school
I meant to do a "day in the life" post at some point this summer, but never got around to it. So, how about a "day in the life" post the first week of school...1:44 AM - Miles is fussing. Poor buddy is teething right now. I'm hoping he'll just fuss himself back to sleep, but no such luck. I head into his room to help him get back to sleep by rocking him for a little bit.2:06 AM - Matt comes into Miles room and takes over baby duty. He has the magic touch - and I go back to bed.2:16 AM - Matt got Miles to sleep and gets back into bed.2:20 AM - Miles is crying again. Matt heads back in.2:22 AM - Kenna is up because she heard something (probably her brother screaming). I walk her back to bed and tuck her in. I go back to bed.2:30-ish AM - Matt is back in bed, but not for long...2:40 AM - Miles is fussing. I again hope he just fusses himself back to sleep, but after a few minutes, he is actively crying.2:44 AM - I hold and rock Miles for a little while, with several failed attempts at getting him back into his crib. I try to think of ways I can hold him and sleep at the same time.3:08 AM - I finally get him to sleep and head back to bed.3:10 AM - And Miles is up. Again. Matt's turn. I fall back asleep (thank goodness) and don't remember Matt getting back into bed.4:15 AM - My alarm goes off. I check my email and browse Facebook for 5 minutes before resorting to the fact that I actually have to get out of bed. I'm in the shower by 4:23 and proceed to shower, pump, and put on makeup.5:30 AM - Poor tired little baby must get up so I have time to feed him. He's amazingly cheerful. I change him before taking him to the couch with me to nurse him and catch up on some blog reading.5:55 AM - Miles and I go wake up Kenna and get her ready for the day.6:05 AM - Run around getting breakfast ready for me and Kenna.6:31 AM - Kisses all around and I'm out the door for work. Breakfast and COFFEE are consumed in the car.7:08 AM - Arrive at work and get a few housekeeping things done and prepare for the day.7:35 AM - The bell rings and I have 60 eighth graders I have to make sure don't kill each other. Two 8th grade classes, followed by a 7th grade health class for my morning. I spend a lot of time talking and going over expectations.10:30 AM - My plan period begins and I have plenty of copies and powerpoints to make for the rest of the week.11:30 AM - I sit down for lunch and pump while getting a few more things done. I have a salad and some Greek yogurt with almonds.
11:56 AM - I clean up my desk from lunch and the bell rings for my afternoon classes to begin.12:51 PM - It's pouring down rain and I need to head across the parking lot back to the gym. I end up getting completely soaked in the process and spend the rest of the afternoon in wet shoes and socks. Ugh.2:41 PM - Woohoo! I survived Day #4! Only 178 to go. (Yes, I am counting!) I snack while talking to a few of the volleyball girls trying out for the middle school team.
2:55 PM - I pump and catch up on emails.3:15 PM - Head up to the weight room to lift weights. I'm sore from my lift yesterday, but it feels SO good to lift again!3:34 PM - I check the radar and decide to play it safe and get my run done on the treadmill. 15 x 20 second leg speed sprints with 1 minute recoveries. It ended up being a really great run!
4:10 PM - Hop in the car and drive home.4:40 PM - Pick up the kiddos at the babysitters and head home.5:oo PM - HOME FINALLY! Kenna goes to play, I set Miles on the floor, and chat with Matt while putting my stuff away.
5:30 PM - Matt has to go to school for open house. I call and order take out from the Chinese place up the street since some of the sales go to MacKenna's school.5:50 PM - Load the kids in the car and go pick up our food.6:05 PM - Back home. Get dinner ready for both kids before sitting down to my tofu, veggies, rices, and crab rangoon.
6:30 PM - Miles is ready to be done, so I get his bath ready while Kenna is finishing up dinner.6:45 PM - Dry and lotion Miles up while Kenna takes a bath.7:00 PM - Kenna is still playing, so I feed Miles on our bed to keep an eye on her.7:10 PM - Get done feeding Miles on one side, get Kenna out of the tub, dried, and PJ-ed, and sit on the couch to finish feeding Miles while Kenna plays on the iPad.7:30 PM - Miles is sound asleep, so I put him down before doing the bedtime routine with Kenna-girl.7:57 PM - Kenna is tucked in for the night. I start making lunches for tomorrow and picking up around the house. Kenna gets out of bed twice, but is asleep by 8:15 PM.8:30 PM - Sit down and beginning folding laundry.8:45 PM - Grab some chocolate covered raisins and sit down with the computer while watching Extreme Weight Loss. (I'm slightly obsessed with Heidi and Chris Powell...)9:30 PM - Finish up this post and schedule it for the morning. Then get up to start getting ready for bed.9:50 PM - In bed finally. I read for about 10 minutes ("The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up" - I'm liking it a lot!) before laying down and falling asleep to the TV. Here's hoping tonight is much less eventful...