what’s beautiful

Summer is upon us.  In fact, I have 6 1/2 days until my summer officially starts.  Not that I’m counting or anything…

For me, summer means time.  Time to relax.  Time to spend with MacKenna.  Time to travel.  Time to work on our house so we can hopefully sell it in the next year or so.  And of course, time to exercise.  With all the extra time on my hands, it’s time for me to set some goals.  Some NEW goals.

Luckily for me, Under Armour recently launched their “What’s Beautiful” campaign 3.0.  What’s Beautiful is all about “redefining the female athlete by setting epic goals and pushing past where we’ve been and where we thought we could go.”

I’m ready to set those epic goals.  That sub-2o minute 5K?  I’m coming after you!  Train for and complete my first triathlon?  You betcha!  I’m ready more than ever and I want YOU to join me in my journey.  Did I mention you have the chance to win some truly awesome prizes, like Under Armour gear or even a trip to Costa Rica to surf and do yoga?


Seriously, what a great way to start your summer!  Set some goals.  Make them epic.  Push yourself to be better than you’ve ever been before.  Join a team, create a team, follow along (#whatsbeautiful or #iwill), challenge yourself to do something EPIC!  And to quote my friend Heather

#IWill.  Will you?

**Disclosure:  I am participating in Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful campaign on behalf of FitFluential.**