fitness finds of 2013 runningDecember 16, 2013Apera Bags, Bondi Band, EveryMove, Fitsnap, RunKeeper, Speedform, Under Armour, UP by JawboneComment
what’s beautiful: facing my fears UncategorizedMay 30, 2013#iwill, goals, triathlon, Under Armour, What's BeautifulComment
weekly workouts: ready to race runningMay 17, 2013#iwill, Ferguson Twilight Run, PR, Under Armour, What's BeautifulComment
what’s beautiful UncategorizedMay 14, 2013#iwill, #whatsbeautiful, Under Armour, What's BeautifulComment
winter running [giveaway] runningFebruary 28, 2013C9 by Champion, cold weather, Cool Cat Athletic Headband, Nike, Tech Gear, Under ArmourComment