weekly workouts: ready to race

TGIF.  Seriously.  It’s been a long week.  I’m exhausted mentally and physically and can’t wait to catch up on some sleep this weekend!

Saturday night, I run the Ferguson Twilight Run (5K).  It’s an evening run and I actually keep forgetting about it!  My brother said it’s pretty hilly, but I’m still going to attempt to PR.  19:58 seems so fast though.  OK, it is fast.  My last 5K was a 20:57, but I’ve definitely gotten faster since then.  I’ve been working really hard since the beginning of January and it paid off in the half marathon, so I’m hoping it pays off again tomorrow!  Even if I don’t PR, I’ll take a few seconds closer to a sub 20.

This week’s workouts were pretty tough, but I cut back on CrossFit to give my legs a little bit of recovery.  I’m just hoping my hips/hamstrings decide to cooperate.


3.6 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
3 rounds:
Run 800m
Sit-ups 50x
Supermans 50x


Rest Day


8 mile long run


3 mile easy run

20 minute HIIT on the upright bike
(2 minutes easy/1 minute fast – 5 miles)

{ CrossFit }
5 rounds:
Dumbbell Deadlifts 5x, 15-20-25-25-30#
Dumbbell Hang Cleans 5x, 15-20-25-25-25#
Dumbbell Push Press 5x, 15-20-20-20-20
Dumbbell Front Squat 5x, 15-20-25-25-30


1/2 mile warm-up
9x200 with 200m recoveries
1/2 mile cool down
(3.25 miles in 24:45)



5 mile easy run


{ CrossFit }
Assisted Pull-ups 50x
Back Squats 20x, 65#
Elevated Push-ups 20x


35 minute tempo run
(4.6 miles)


I’m ready to have more time to get after it with CrossFit.  I’ve gotten so much stronger (and leaner/more toned) and I know I would have even better results if I had more time to really work on my skill development and train for each workout.  Ugh.  3 1/2 more days.  (The countdown continues…)

Have any races coming up?  Have you been working hard toward your training/racing goals?