mama’s day

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the mom’s and moms-to-be out there!  I hope you all had wonderful days with your families and were able to relax and appreciate the joys of being a mom.

I certainly had a wonderful day with Matt, MacKenna, and our families.  My day started early with an 8 mile run, my long run for the week.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t my best run.  My pace was fine, but I really felt slow and weak.  My right leg has really been bothering me this past week, and yesterday was no exception.  My hammy was tight, my knee was a little sore, and I just felt plain “off”.  But, I was happy to spend the start of my day alone in my thoughts in the chilly morning air.

We spent the rest of the day with our families.  I decided to unplug for the day to focus on the day’s festivities and I’m really happy that I did.  However, instead of checking my email constantly, I instead took a billion pictures of our day.  Well, mostly of MacKenna.

We met up with Matt’s parents at a local park for a picnic.  We ate great good, drank a little wine, and chased after MacKenna.  She had a blast playing on the swings and running around in the grass and basketball courts.  I’m so very thankful she loves the outdoors as much as I do!  I eventually had to stick her in the stroller to go for a walk so she’d take a nap – she was just exhausted!

Mothers Day-MacKenna eating

Mothers Day-food

Mothers Day-strawberries

Mothers Day-wine

Mothers Day-MacKenna highchair laughing

Mothers Day-MacKenna smile swing

Mothers Day-MacKenna swing smile

Mothers Day-MacKenna swinging smile

Mothers Day-MacKenna goofy grin

Mothers Day-MacKenna peeking

Mothers Day-MacKenna with dandelion

Mothers Day-MacKenna sitting dandelions

Mothers Day-MacKenna sitting in goal

Mothers Day-Matt and MacKenna pointing

Mothers Day-MacKenna squat-B&W

Mothers Day-MacKenna sleeping stroller

We then headed out to U City for dinner with my parents.  We had just gotten together last weekend for Cinco de Mayo, so we decided instead to go to Dewey’s for some pizza and conversation.  I was still pretty full from lunch, so I didn’t eat much pizza, but I definitely saved some room for frozen yogurt!  Tutti Frutti is one of my favorites for frozen yogurt (it also helps that it’s next door to Dewey’s), especially since they have some really awesome flavors.  I had a little bit of coconut , salted caramel, and chocolatella (Nutella flavored) froyo with chocolate covered raisins, mini Reese’s pieces, chocolate rocks, chocolate sprinkles, granola, a chocolate covered pretzel, and a chunk of cookie dough.  So. Freaking. Delicious!

Mothers Day-froyo

Mothers Day-PawPaw kissing MacKenna

Mothers Day-MacKenna laughing

It was such a great Mother’s Day!  I’m so thankful for my Mom (and mother-in-law)!  My mom is one of my best friends and has really taught me how to be a good mom to MacKenna.  And I must say, I absolutely love being MacKenna’s mom!  I am so blessed to have such a sweet, cute, funny, loving little girl in my life!  I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter – she makes me love my role as “mom”!

Mothers Day-Gigi and Kenna

Mothers Day-Mama with MacKenna

What did you do for Mother’s Day?  Did you spend time with your mom and/or kids?