weekly workouts: squeezing it in

It’s been another busy week around here.  Why is it that the end of the school year means more and more stuff?!  Awards ceremonies, checking things out, preparing for next year, collecting things from this year, inventory, professional development logs, school dances, etc. etc. etc.  { sigh }  Only 8 1/2 more days…

Just like last week, workouts have been a struggle to fit in.  I’ve been really trying to plan things out to make sure I can fit everything in, but it’s still hard and I have to pick and choose what I am willing to fit in.  Running, of course, takes first priority and sometimes that means getting up at 4 AM to run on the treadmill.  With 4 AM wakeup calls and a busy schedule, I have been wiped out this week.  I’m sooooo ready for the weekend…


{ CrossFit }
Pull-ups/Inverted Row 50x


Rest Day
(NSCA Missouri Clinic – I learned soooo much!  It was seriously awesome!)


7 mile long run


1.6 mile run with the jogging stroller

{ CrossFit }
Front Squats 5x10
(55-65-75-75-75 pounds)


1/2 mile warm-up and cool down
Extra 400m run in addition to CrossFit workout

{ CrossFit }
5 rounds of:
Run 400m
Overhead Squats 15x, 15 lbs

I ended up doing a workout with my Exercise & Fitness class since it was gorgeous outside and I was in shorts and my running shoes.  It killed them!  I loved it!

Four-Peat Workout


3 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
21-15-9 reps of:
Beginner Handstand Push-ups
Inverted Rows

Sit-ups 50x
Handstand holds 5x10 seconds


35 minute tempo run
(4.6 miles)

OK, so not nearly as bad as I thought.  Planning on squeezing in a 5 miler before the 8th grade dance this evening.  Not going to lie, looking forward to my summer off just for the extra time I’ll have, even if it means taking MacKenna to the gym daycare to run on the treadmill.

Do you plan out when you are going to workout to make sure you can squeeze it in your busy schedule?