weekly workouts: taper time

I’m almost embarrassed in my workouts this week.  Yes, I am tapering for the half this weekend, but I really just have not had time to get in my runs this week, thanks to Matt and my busy schedules.  Matt’s track season is in full swing now and we’re in off-season conditioning/training for volleyball, so that takes up some time, as well as trying to wrap up things as we start the downhill slope to the end of the school year.

I’m stressed.  I’m tired.  And I’m so ready for the half to be over.  I’ve completed every single workout on my training plan until this week.  Sad, really.  But, I still have some time to get those workouts in today and tomorrow morning.  Yes, I’m going to run 3 miles (with a stroller) the day before I run a half marathon, but I’ve been doing longer, harder workouts the days before my long runs and have been just fine, so I’m not too worried about it.


25 minute Stepmill workout

get this25-Minute Stepmill WorkoutPinned by Kristen Van HornOnto Move

15 minutes on the upright bike

{ CrossFit }
”Nasty Girls”
3 rounds for time:
Squats 50x
Situps 50x
Hang cleans 10x, 30 lbs


12 mile long run with my brother


Rest Day


4 mile easy run


{ CrossFit }
For time:
Walking lunges 50x
Jumping Pullups 25x
Box Jumps 50x, 18”
Tuck Jumps 50x
Supermans 50x
Bench dips 25x
Knees to Elbows 50x
Thrusters 25x, 20 lbs dumbbells
Situps 50x


30 minutes volleyball


30 minute tempo run
(4 miles in 30:00)



Rest Day

Kind of depressing to only have run 3 times in the past week, even though it is my taper week.  And I’m taking this week and next week off from doing CrossFit, just to give my body a break.

Plans for the half?  Pace my brother to a sub-1:45 half marathon.  I’m nervous.  We’ve both done all our long runs with average paces under 8-minute miles, so this really shouldn’t be a problem.  But, I’m still nervous that I’m not going to be able to keep up.  I’m going to focus on staying comfortable in the beginning and then hopefully we don’t die on Holy Hill (miles 7-8) and can run the second half faster than the first!

I’m nervous, but I’m also excited!  And I’m even more excited to have my sights on some new training goals after the half!  But, you’ll have to wait until next week to hear about that!

Have you ever paced anyone during a race?  Do you run easy runs the day before your big races?