munchkin meals: 17 months

I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m pretty sure I saw some pigs flying a few weeks ago.  Last month, I lamented about how picky MacKenna was getting.  This month, well, was AMAZING!


MacKenna is now 17 months and is finally choosing to willingly eat vegetables!  It all started with a sweet potato…


Of course, we had to put ketchup on it, but after a few bites, she started eating it without ketchup!  Hooray!  And then, I gave her a little bit of some broccoli that I had in some quinoa (with cheese) and she LOVED it!  And sure enough, a few days later, no cheese on the broccoli and she gobbled it right up!


Seriously, I swear there were pigs flying over my house!  Eating has been much less of a struggle.  I don’t know if she’s going through a growth spurt or just adapting to different tastes, but it has been refreshing to not have to fight with her to eat something besides crackers!

Munchkin Meals 17 months-snack

This month, we have been trying to figure out some new snacks for her.  She is (finally) taking bites of larger pieces of food instead of shoving the whole thing into her mouth (and then subsequently choking on it).  We have been giving her whole crackers and lately fig newtons.  But, we have also dabbled in new territory:  Craisins!  Such an easy go-to snack and she totally loves them.  (Too bad her mama doesn’t.)  And not nearly as messy as crackers.

Munchkin Meals 17 months-fig newtons

Sweet potatoes.  Broccoli.  Craisins.  I’m hoping we’ll have some new nutritious foods by the time she’s a year and a half!  Don’t forget to go check out what the other munchkins are eating over at Brittany’s blog!


What are your favorite go-to toddler snacks?  What are your toddler’s favorite nutritious foods?