weekly workouts: summertime

School’s out for summer!  Summer means sleeping in, morning runs, trips to Fritz’s, the zoo, and the beach, and just plain ol’ relaxation.  It also means time to get things done, fix up our house, plan for next year, and prepping my new volleyball team for the upcoming season.  I’ve only been out one day and summer is already off to a great start!

Summer also means training for my first triathlon.  I will definitely have more on that next week…

As for this week, here’s how my workouts went:


35 minute tempo run
(4.6 miles on the treadmill)


Ferguson Twilight Run 5K race { read all about my recap here }



Rest Day


3.1 mile easy run (1/2 mile in Vibrams)


1/2 mile warmup
7x400 with 400m recoveries

{ Weights }
Dumbbell Front Squat 15-10-12-8
Pushups 15-14-13-12-10
Dumbbell Deadlifts 15-10-12-8
Split Stance Supinated Bentover Row 15-10-12-8
Dumbbell Step Ups 15-10-12-8



{ CrossFit }
3 rounds:
Run 400m
KB Swings 21x, 25 lbs
Inverted Row 12x


10 minute upright bike to warmup

5 mile run with the jogging stroller

{ CrossFit }
Thrusters 10x, 30 lbs
Burpees 15x
Thrusters 20x
Burpees 25x
Thrusters 30x
Burpees 35x


MacKenna and I hit up my favorite running trail yesterday morning.  It was such a nice morning and she loved every second of the stroller.  I’m so lucky that she loves running in the stroller with me.  It’s one of my absolute favorite things to do with her.  I can’t wait until she can run next to me!

What do you look forward to most in the summer time?