weekly workouts + the weekend through instagram

This was the best week of runs I've had in a year!  I felt good.  I felt normal.  I felt like myself again.  It was a good week - including my first sub-8-minute mile pace!  I'm so ready for half marathon training to start next week!  Seeing everyone posting pictures of Boston is giving me the itch to race again.  I think I'm going to need to look for a race in the next month to do!Monday:  3 mile easy run (8:01/mile)CrossFit WOD - For time:Burpees 20xHang squat cleans 20x, 45#Inverted row 20xHang squat cleans 20x, 45#Burpees 20x(7:08)Tuesday:  3 mile easy run (8:05/mile)CrossFit WOD - 3 rounds of time:Wall balls 20x, 8#SDHP 20x, 25#Box jumps 20xDB Push-press 20x, 15#Run 200m(16:17)Wednesday:  3.7 mile bleacher run - 1.5 mile WU, 5 x 10 sets of bleachers, 1.5 mile CD (11:01/mile)Thursday:  3 mile easy run (7:41/mile)CrossFit WOD - 10 rounds of:Deadlifts 15 secondsRest 45 seconds(73 reps @ 85#)Friday:  CrossFit WOD - For time:Run 1000mPushups 30xRun 1000m(10:22)Saturday:  5 mile easy run (8:29/mile)Sunday:  OFF - my legs definitely needed it by the end of the weekPlus, here's what we were up to this weekend through my Instagram feed.  If you're not following me, I'm @concrete_runner - request to add me!  I will follow back!   Kenna finally got to open the Barbie that's been sitting on her bathroom counter since July - of course, she hasn't gone poop in the potty since... 

 At the Butterfly House  

 My beautiful blue eyed boy  

 Matt was at a meet all day on Saturday, so we drove-thru CBW and had a picnic outside.  

   After church on Sunday, waiting for Matt + Kenna to get done grocery shopping.