stitch fix to the rescue!
I read an article a few weeks ago about “19 Things Only Women With A Low Maintenance Fashion Sense Understand.” While I am high maintenance about certain things (cleaning, hygiene, etc.), when it comes to fashion, the easier, the better. There’s a reason I am in the fitness industry – I can’t even imagine having to wear dress clothes every single day to work. Ugh.As I have gotten closer and closer to my pre-pregnancy weight, I have started to realize that I have absolutely no clothes that fit me “right” any more. I mean, my work clothes (i.e. workout pants and a t-shirt) fit just fine, but my “weekend wear”, not so much. During my spring break, I took a much needed solo trip to Kohls to do some shopping. I knew I needed some jeans, but when it came to tops, I was lost. I wandered aimlessly through the aisles looking for something – anything – that appealed to my simple fashion sense. I ended up with a few cute tops, but it definitely made me realize that I HATE shopping and need some help when it comes to fashion.Enter Stitch Fix. After my trip to Kohls, I immediately sat down and scheduled my “fix”. This actually wasn’t my first time trying Stitch Fix, though. I tried it for the first time about a year ago, only to be completely disappointed with the outfits they sent me. But, giving them the benefit of the doubt, I just don’t know what I like when it comes to fashion. I don’t really feel like I have a style that I like, except that I just want to be comfortable. So, I couldn’t really explain that to them and ended up with clothes that were totally NOT me.This time was different though. I was very thorough in explaining that I liked to be cute but comfortable and what types of things I prefer when it comes to my clothes. Well, I got exactly what I asked for.Sia Floral Embroidery Peasant Top So, I think I really like Bohemian Chic looks – loose, flowy tops that go with jeans or leggings. This was loose and light and definitely comfortable! I really loved how it looked and felt. This one was definitely a keeper!Corinna Striped Dolman Top
Another loose and flowy top. This one wasn’t as light as the Peasant Top, but I loved the length and the color! Plus, stripes are freaking cute. This was probably my favorite of the group and definitely me! Another keeper!Sandria Button Down Top
While this one fit the “loose and comfy” that I like, it sort of reminded me of my nightgowns. I’m not a huge fan of the plaid, but Matt came in to talk to me while I was trying it on and complimented me on it. I asked if he thought it was “me” and he said yes. So, yup, kept this one too…Aberdine Straight Leg Jeans
I’m all about the jeans, but these weren’t exactly my favorite. To me, they felt kind of mom-ish since they were high waisted (yes, I know, I AM a mom, but I still like to be trendy – and look young). I also HATED the length. They were ankle length, but I have long legs and these felt like high waters to me. So, I cuffed them and they grew on me. Definitely not my favorite pair of jeans, but I would wear them on occasion.Cheli Striped Maxi Dress
When I opened my box and saw they sent me this, I was so excited! I might not be fashionable and enjoy wearing sweats over anything else, but I LOVE dresses! I need another blue maxi dress like I need a hole in the head, but this was so cute and comfortable that I just had to keep it!To say I was happy with my Fix is an understatement. I went back and forth for a little while about what I was going to keep and send back. I wasn’t a huge fan of the jeans or the button down top, but after Matt’s comment about the top, I thought I could keep that one for a date night and it would look super cute with shorts. So, I debated just sending the jeans back and keeping everything else. But, if you keep everything, you get a 25% discount off your order. Well, the discount turned out to be about the same price of the jeans, so I figured, why not just skip the post office and keep everything. So, I am now the proud owner of a fairly new wardrobe! Now, I need a night out on the town with my man to wear all my cute new clothes!