first double stroller run + weekly workouts
I feel like it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to write about a stroller run. But, Friday wasn’t just any stroller run – it was my first (real) run with the double stroller!I finally found a double stroller on Craigslist a few weeks ago that was in the price range that I wanted and was one of the 2 models/brands I was looking for. We tested it out at the mall over Spring Break and I took it out on a run/walk the week I was injured, but I hadn’t actually done a real run with it yet.Until Friday. Our babysitter needed off a little earlier than usual, so I had planned on skipping my workout for the day. But, with it being absolutely beautiful out, I was itching to get out for a run. After a bit of convincing with MacKenna (fruit snacks FTW), I strapped both of them in and headed out.I have to say, it actually felt easy?! I am super impressed with how smooth this stroller rolls. (We have a Baby Trends Navigator.) I was able to push it one handed easily – my only complaint is that it is a little difficult to turn with the front wheels locked. The first mile, I was flying! It was probably the best I had felt on a run in a long time, amazingly enough! I felt effortless – it was the best feeling ever!
Until the second mile. So, I figured out that the first mile from our house to the trailhead is ALL downhill – from the moment you step off the driveway until the first mile marker. Ugh. As I turned around at the 1 mile, I was not only pushing up hill, but the wind was definitely not helping. While it was definitely much harder, the good news is (1) I didn’t have to stop and walk and (2) my Garmin vivofit still picked up my steps even with both hands on the stroller!Splits:Mile 1 – 8:08Mile 2 – 9:17Time: 17:26Pace: 8:43/mile
Here’s how my other workouts went last week:Monday: 2 mile easy run (9:52/mile) + NROLFW 2ATuesday: 3 mile easy run (10:16/mile)Wednesday: OFFThursday: 3 mile easy run (8:31/mile) + NROLFW 2BFriday: 2 mile double stroller run (8:43/mile)Saturday: 4 mile easy run (8:40/mile)Sunday: OFFTotal: 14 milesGet out there this week and get those runs in! Hope ya'll have a great start to your week! :)