weekly workouts

Happy Friday!  And Happy (early) St. Patrick’s day!  I have my first race of the season tomorrow morning and I’m really nervous.  It’s a 7K race, so no matter how well or poorly I do, I’ll have a PR, so I can’t really beat that!  But, there are some things I’m really hoping to accomplish with this race and don’t want to disappoint myself.  I’ll let you know how everything goes with a race recap on Monday! 

Anyone else running a St. Patty’s day run this weekend?

Here’s what this week in workouts looked like:


2 mile easy warm-up + cool down

3 RFT:
Run 800m
Sit-ups 20x
Thrusters 20x



10 mile long run in 1:15:14



Rest Day


5 mile easy run in 40:06

13.1 – As many reps as possible in 17 minutes:
Burpees 40x
Hang Squat Clean 30x, 25#
Burpees 30x
Hang Squat Clean 30x, 35#
Burpees 20x
Hang Squat Clean 30x, 45#
Burpees 10x
Hang Squat Clean 30x, 55#
(Note:  didn’t get to the last Hang Squat Cleans in 17 minutes)


2 mile easy cool down after CrossFit

For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
Squat Clean 20x, 45#
Box Jumps 20x
Walking Lunges 20 steps
Box Jumps 20x
Squat Clean 20x, 45#
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles
(Completed in 38:52)


3 mile easy run



30 minutes playing volleyball


Yesterday, I received one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten.  One of my work friends asked me about how my workouts were going and then proceeded to tell me how “fit” I’ve been looking.  I’m not sure if she meant that I’ve been looking really buff or if she’s been impressed by how I look while I’m working out, but it was by far one of the best compliments EVER.

And a compliment I feel like I’ve needed and deserved because I’ve been working my butt off.  Yes, I have some natural athletic ability and speed as a runner.  But, 7:30/miles definitely do not come naturally for me.  It’s been Hard. Freaking. Work.

I’ve really been pushing myself on my runs to get better.  I’ve followed my pace guides to a T, and I haven’t let myself go easy on those paces (except, of course, on my easy runs).  I’m not taking the easy way out.  I know what needs to be done if I ever want to be a faster runner.  I have really high aspirations for my running and I know I won’t get there without a lot of hard work.

So, that’s what I’ve been doing.  Working my freaking butt off.  And it’s definitely paying off.

How are you pushing yourself to achieve your goals?
