wiaw: 5 months later

The last time I did a What I Ate Wednesday post was way back this past summer.  Before I started a new job.  And before I stopped breastfeeding.  Looking back, that was an immensely stressful time in my life.  As a first year teacher and coach, plus a full time mommy, I certainly didn’t have time to think about food or eating, let alone post about food or eating.  I lost a couple pounds during that due to the fact that I just didn’t have time!

Five months later, it’s a different story.  I have much more time now so I think about and eat more food.  I’m no longer breastfeeding, and now I’m also training for a half marathon.  All this adds up to a few extra pounds.  I really didn’t think breastfeeding affected me that much, but it did more than I realized and have really struggled finding a good balance ever since then.  My mileage is continue to build each week and, even though I’ve been running for 10-ish years now, I still have figured out exactly what my body needs.

It’s been a work in progress.  I’m learning.  I’m trying to find that right balance that helps me maintain my weight better.  I’m not freaking out, because it’s just a few vanity pounds that no one except me notices, but it has been weighing (ha) a lot more on my mind lately.

So, this is what a typical day has been looking like for me…

wiaw breakfast

Breakfast:  Still rocking the green smoothies daily!  This was actually different than the usual.  Normally I just have fruit, milk, protein powder, chia seeds, and kale or spinach.  With this one, I added some oatmeal and peanut butter.  All I tasted was the PB.  And it was like drinking concrete through a straw.  Back to my usual smoothie with Frosted Mini Wheats on the side.

wiaw lunch

Lunch:  If I’m not eating leftover soup for lunch, I’m usually eating this – frozen veggies and a soy veggie patty.  Sometimes I add in some rice if we have some leftover.  I added some cheese to this bowl, and an unpictured blood orange Chobani.

wiaw dinner

Dinner:  Mmmm, homemade egg rolls!  I have the best husband ever!  Baked not fried and some soy-covered brown rice to help wash it all down.

wiaw dessert

wiaw dessert-ice cream sprinkles

Dessert:  BEST MEAL OF THE DAY!  Fritz’s vanilla frozen custard with Biscoff crunch spread and sprinkles.  If you haven’t tried Biscoff in ice cream – or just Biscoff in general – you must!  How can you go wrong with cookie butter?!

wiaw snack-collage

Snacks:  We were celebrating 3rd quarter birthdays at school, so I had a beautiful cupcake after lunch and some pretzels with honey roasted peanuts on my way home from work after I had finished working out.

I’ll admit, most days there are some handfuls of jellybeans before and after dinner, but I did really well this day (Monday)!  Everything you see (besides the Chobani) is what went into my mouth.  Is it perfect?  Oh heck no!  But, I’m still right around that 80% of healthy, good-for-you foods that I strive for.

Thanks as always to (newly pregnant!) Jen for hosting!  Go check out what other people are eating this week!

What’s your favorite meal of the day?  Do you eat similar meals on a daily basis?